B·格林,畢業於哈佛大學,在牛津大學獲博士學位,是羅德學者(Rhodes Scholars)。1990年,他來到康奈爾大學物理係,1995年被聘為教授,1996年到哥倫比亞大學任物理學和數學教授。他曾在20多個國傢開過普及和專業講座,公認在超弦理論中有過許多開拓性的發現。他現在住紐約綺色佳。
A new edition of the New York Times bestsellernow a three-part Nova special on PBS-TV coming in Fall 2003: a fascinating and thought-provoking journey through the mysteries of space, time, and matter. Now with a new preface (not in any other edition) that will review the enormous public reception of the relatively obscure string theorymade possible by this book and an increased number of adherents amongst physicists The Elegant Universe "sets a standard that will be hard to beat" ( New York Times Book Review ). Brian Greene, one of the world's leading string theorists, peels away the layers of mystery surrounding string theory to reveal a universe that consists of eleven dimensions, where the fabric of space tears and repairs itself, and all matterfrom the smallest quarks to the most gargantuan supernovasis generated by the vibrations of microscopically tiny loops of energy. Today physicists and mathematicians throughout the world are feverishly working on one of the most ambitious theories ever proposed: superstring theory. String theory, as it is often called, is the key to the Unified Field Theory that eluded Einstein for more than thirty years. Finally, the century-old antagonism between the large and the small-General Relativity and Quantum Theory-is resolved. String theory proclaims that all of the wondrous happenings in the universe, from the frantic dancing of subatomic quarks to the majestic swirling of heavenly galaxies, are reflections of one grand physical principle and manifestations of one single entity: microscopically tiny vibrating loops of energy, a billionth of a billionth the size of an atom. In this brilliantly articulated and refreshingly clear book, Greene relates the scientific story and the human struggle behind twentieth-century physics' search for a theory of everything. Through the masterful use of metaphor and analogy, The Elegant Universe makes some of the most sophisticated concepts ever contemplated viscerally accessible and thoroughly entertaining, bringing us closer than ever to understanding how the universe works.
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評分關於本書,豆瓣上已經有太多的大神級專業書評文章。作為一名業餘讀者,我隻好發揮自己專業所長,結閤所學的一點粗淺的哲學知識,來說說這本弦理論科普書中所蘊含的散發著哲學味道的文藝範。 在近百年的曆史中,眾多的科學先驅已經為我們架構起一座科學而係統的宇宙認知體係,...
評分原書大緻內容:當鏇轉圓盤上的人測圓周長度時,它的尺子發生瞭洛侖茲收縮,測的周長會比靜止時大,這樣周長/直徑>圓周率,這樣的說明是因為空間扭麯瞭。具體參考原本: 但如果說它測的那段圓周距離也發生洛侖茲收縮呢,測得周長也應該不變。作者後麵也有解釋,相對圓盤外靜止...
評分斷斷續續花瞭差不多進一個月的時間,讀完瞭這本《宇宙的琴弦》。目睹著app裏大傢的在綫筆記從第一章的幾十條,迅速銳減到第十章的零星幾條,深感大多數人確實很難耐下心來讀完這太過抽象的理論物理前沿科普。 對於弦論,我僅有的膚淺的理解來自於幾位做理論物理研究的朋友,以...
評分原書大緻內容:當鏇轉圓盤上的人測圓周長度時,它的尺子發生瞭洛侖茲收縮,測的周長會比靜止時大,這樣周長/直徑>圓周率,這樣的說明是因為空間扭麯瞭。具體參考原本: 但如果說它測的那段圓周距離也發生洛侖茲收縮呢,測得周長也應該不變。作者後麵也有解釋,相對圓盤外靜止...
圖書標籤: Physics 物理 弦論 Universe 科普 science-nature TOE Super_String
Nothing can offer the sense of wonder as Physics does
評分Nothing can offer the sense of wonder as Physics does
評分Nothing can offer the sense of wonder as Physics does
評分Nothing can offer the sense of wonder as Physics does
評分Nothing can offer the sense of wonder as Physics does
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