Chalmers was elected a fellow of the Academy of Humanities in 1997. His primary research interest is the philosophy of science and he is author of the best-selling textbook What Is This Thing Called Science? which has been translated into many languages.
He has been a visiting scholar at the Flinders University Philosophy Department since 1999. For the 2007 fall semester he was a visiting professor at the University of Pittsburgh.
Chalmers is an associate professor at the History and Philosophy of Science department of the University of Sydney.
Science and Its Fabrication, Open University Press and University of Minnesota Press, 1990, pp. 142+xii. (Translated into French, German, Dutch, Spanish, Korean, Portuguese and Chinese.)
What Is This Thing Called Science?, 3rd revised edition, University of Queensland Press, Hackett, 1999. (Originally published 1976; second edition: 1982.)
The Scientist's Atom and the Philosopher's Stone – How Science Succeeded and Philosophy Failed to Gain Knowledge of Atoms, Springer, 2009, pp. 288+xii.
What is this thing called Science? 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书
1.科学究竟是什么?科学家们不断感受、接触、总结、分析,探索了许久。 2.归纳主义科学观:以事实为基础,符合事实就留下,不符合事实就抛弃,归纳事实总结成理论,就是科学。 3.反驳:人类认知有限、观察工具效力有限等等原因,观察出来的“事实”可能是错的。一旦“事实”错...
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What is this thing called Science? 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书