堂•米格尔•路易兹(Don Miguel Ruiz)
珍妮特•米尔斯(Janet Mills)
The Four Agreements 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
亲爱的读者: 我迫不及待地要把这本书介绍给你。因为我希望你快乐,希望你幸福。因为我爱你。 《让心自由》是一本非同寻常的奇书。它从大处着眼,却从小处入手。押的是四两,拨的却是千斤;牵的是一发,动的却是全身。它就像中国的针灸:几根细长的银针,找准了穴位...
评分In the early 1970s, in his final year of medical school, Miguel Ruiz had a bad car accident that changed the course of his life. He had been raised in rural Mexico by a mother who was a curandera (healer), and by a grandfather who was a nagual (shama...
评分这绝对不是一篇让人作呕的“心灵鸡汤”,相信我,我没必要骗你。 这篇文章也不是给所有人看得,如果你觉得自己喜欢批判自己但是没有任何积极效果,适合你看。 就拿我的例子来说吧,当然我的例子不具有普遍性,大家可以读着玩玩。 我是一名大学生,由于一些不好事情的发生,它超...
评分In the early 1970s, in his final year of medical school, Miguel Ruiz had a bad car accident that changed the course of his life. He had been raised in rural Mexico by a mother who was a curandera (healer), and by a grandfather who was a nagual (shama...
评分In the early 1970s, in his final year of medical school, Miguel Ruiz had a bad car accident that changed the course of his life. He had been raised in rural Mexico by a mother who was a curandera (healer), and by a grandfather who was a nagual (shama...
图书标签: Psychology 积极心理学 心理学
Featured in the premiere issue of O: The Oprah Magazine and on Oprah's "Favorite Things 2000" segment, The Four Agreements reveals the source of self-limiting beliefs that rob people of joy and create needless suffering. Based on ancient Toltec wisdom, the Four Agreements -- be impeccable with your word, don't take anything personally, don't make assumptions, always do your best -- offer a powerful code of conduct that can rapidly transform life into a new experience of freedom, love, and true happiness.
评分via Language Pacifica.
评分via Language Pacifica.
评分via Language Pacifica.
The Four Agreements 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书