Napoleon Hill was born in 1883 in Virginia and died in 1970 after a long and successful career as a lecturer, an author, and as a consultant to business leaders. Think and Grow Rich is the all-time bestseller in its field, having sold 15 million copies worldwide, and sets the standard for today’s motivational thinking.
Grow Rich! with Peace of Mind 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
1、心静即声淡,其间无古今。——白居易<船夜援琴> 2、采菊东篱下,悠然见南山。山气日夕佳,飞鸟相与还。——陶渊明的<饮酒·结庐在人境> 3、官曹称心静,居处随迹幽。关于静心的诗句。——白居易<赠吴丹> 4、非淡泊无以明志,非宁静无以致远。——诸葛亮 5、凡事大半天注...
评分 评分人若与万事万物无二无别,那宇宙一切的意义是什么?宇宙终将知道自己会毁灭,人类就是那棵希望的种子。这是造物主,是思想,是心灵。起点相同,不代表终点唯一。人类既然选择成为代表,就有义务为宇宙更好地服务。不要轻视每一步跨越,不要惧怕消失、死亡,这些不是不可知的秘...
评分冲破看不见的“十字路口” ——读拿破仑•希尔《心静的力量》 文/斯索以 我最早接触的成功学大师是希尔,并非卡耐基。高中时代,一个偶然的因素让我读到拿破仑•希尔的作品,并对他的个人成功学提起了兴趣。希尔对一个人源自内心的热情、自信等品质的看重和推崇,给我...
评分古人说,知止而后有静,静后有安,安后有虑,虑而后有得,所谓静以致远也,心静的一方比喧闹的一方更有把握获胜,这早已经被历史所证明, 做为拿破仑 希尔来说,人们早已经熟悉,这一次他能够给你带来什么新的思想呢?,也许在平静的读完这本书之后,便会知道答案了,何以为心...
图书标签: 励志
In this exciting book, the renowned author of THINK AND GROW RICH, Napoleon Hill, reveals his latest discoveries about getting what you want--and making the most of it. Here, in simple, readable language, are the foolproof techniques for achieving the power to earn money and to enjoy genuine inner peace. You wil learn: how to succeed in life, succeed in being yourself; how to develop your own healthy ego; how to win the job you want--and keep going upward; how to turn every challenge into a new success, and more.
Grow Rich! with Peace of Mind 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书