罗宾·艾特肯(Robin Aitken)曾就职于BBC任记者和通讯员。他在公司任职的二十五年中,担任过从“当地新闻”到“今日”节目的所有职务。
Can We Trust the BBC? 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
刚开始看不是很懂英国媒体和党派的分布,看到案例时(比如说讨论堕胎,采访人只有支持者,论点根据是女性有选择权,最后变成声讨大会)也觉得作者说得对。直到作者开始列举BBC这些年来的中心思想:‘Anti-raist, pro-UN,pro-foreigner, pro-women&gay rights, pro-multicultur...
评分刚开始看不是很懂英国媒体和党派的分布,看到案例时(比如说讨论堕胎,采访人只有支持者,论点根据是女性有选择权,最后变成声讨大会)也觉得作者说得对。直到作者开始列举BBC这些年来的中心思想:‘Anti-raist, pro-UN,pro-foreigner, pro-women&gay rights, pro-multicultur...
评分刚开始看不是很懂英国媒体和党派的分布,看到案例时(比如说讨论堕胎,采访人只有支持者,论点根据是女性有选择权,最后变成声讨大会)也觉得作者说得对。直到作者开始列举BBC这些年来的中心思想:‘Anti-raist, pro-UN,pro-foreigner, pro-women&gay rights, pro-multicultur...
评分刚开始看不是很懂英国媒体和党派的分布,看到案例时(比如说讨论堕胎,采访人只有支持者,论点根据是女性有选择权,最后变成声讨大会)也觉得作者说得对。直到作者开始列举BBC这些年来的中心思想:‘Anti-raist, pro-UN,pro-foreigner, pro-women&gay rights, pro-multicultur...
评分刚开始看不是很懂英国媒体和党派的分布,看到案例时(比如说讨论堕胎,采访人只有支持者,论点根据是女性有选择权,最后变成声讨大会)也觉得作者说得对。直到作者开始列举BBC这些年来的中心思想:‘Anti-raist, pro-UN,pro-foreigner, pro-women&gay rights, pro-multicultur...
图书标签: society-social-sci 其他 vc v society EnglishJournalism
This book asks a big question: can we trust the BBC? The BBC is the most famous media brand in the world and it is growing bigger and more powerful every year. Its reputation depends on honest and accurate journalism. But this book argues that the Corporation's own pervasive left wing political culture imperils its impartiality. It demonstrates how some groups and viewpoints get favourable treatment while others are left out in the cold. The book examines the concept of 'public sector broadcasting' and asks if that has come to mean simply radio and television free of commercial bias. It argues that there are other 'hidden persuaders' that we the audience should be alert to. Drawing on the author's twenty five years as a BBC reporter and executive, the books blends analysis and sharp polemic to paint a vivid picture of life inside the news machine from a uniquely privileged point of view. It also tells the story of how the BBC responded to a dissident in its own ranks. With the future of the BBC now the subject of a government White Paper, this book will be a timely contribution to the debate about public broadcasting.
Can We Trust the BBC? 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书