乔恩•威特(Jon Witt,1962— ),芝加哥罗耀拉大学社会学博士,现为中央大学副教授,主讲社会学入门课程。
The Big Picture 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
《社会学的邀请》 社会学,似乎从名字上看来是一门很有学问而且关乎人类社会和个体的高深学科。我总是自称对其颇有兴趣,但却一直未曾涉猎相关书籍,也挺惭愧的。某天在知乎上逛着,看到一些书单,包括社会学的入门级读物,就点进去了,又想着下学期专业限选有一门社会学,也应...
评分很多好玩的故事和一条线索明晰的主线,共同为读者打开一扇通往社会学的门。 《社会学的邀请》作为一本入门级的社会学书籍而言,是很出色的。既不损害读者们的兴趣,又将社会学想象力,这一社会学重要概念贯穿其中,确实给了喜欢社会学的朋友,进入社会学殿堂的好阶梯。 只是其...
评分很不错的入门读物。对社会学的概念以及社会学中的研究方法、主要学者和著作都作了介绍。 作为“大学的邀请”丛书中的一员,这本书的标题在翻译之后被改掉了。为了增强可读性,章节标题也没有直观地反映出它到底讲的是什么。我不大看得惯这种情况,所以做了个全书结构的xmind,...
图书标签: 社会学 社会
In this new brief introduction to the rich and complex discipline of sociology, Jon Witt cuts to the core of the sociological perspective, supplying answers to two main questions: "Why do we think the way we think?" and "Why do we act the way we act?" Providing students with a glimpse of the "Big Picture," the author offers a top-down look at the structure of society, which allows us to see the many ways in which we are linked together. The book is based on the view that there are four basic parts to sociology: the individual, society, the relationship between the two, and the consequences of differences. Although the author presents some basic sociological facts about the individual and about society, the overarching concern of the book is the relationship between individual and society--the ways in which our actions shape the world around us and the ways in which we are shaped by the worlds in which we live.
The Big Picture 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书