查爾斯·蒂利 哥倫比亞大學教授,著名曆史社會學傢,政治學傢,被譽為“2l世紀社會學之父”。他半個世紀的卓越學者生涯,不斷彰顯著學術無學科界限的義涵——他似乎有能力書寫、說明和解釋睏擾人心的任何問題。在他名下的超過600篇論文和5l部論著,對抗爭政治和政治史進行瞭翔實的研究。
西德尼·塔羅 康奈爾大學政府學教授。著有《鬥爭的動力》、《運動中的力量》、《意大利南部農民共産主義》、《民主和混亂:1965—1975年意大利的抗議和政治》、《鬥爭、政治與改革:集體行動、社會運動和反抗周期》等。
Revolutions, social movements, religious and ethnic conflict, nationalism and civil rights, and transnational movements: these forms of contentious politics combine in Charles Tilly's and Sidney Tarrow's Contentious Politics. The book presents a set of analytical tools and procedures for study, comparison, and explanation of these very different sorts of contention. Drawing on many historical and contemporary cases, the book shows that similar principles describe and explain a wide variety of struggles as well as many more routine forms of politics. Tilly and Tarrow have written the book to introduce readers to an exciting new program of political and sociological analysis.
Introduces comparative politics "from the bottom up," showing the experiences of ordinary citizens interacting with institutions of government.
Presents a set of analytical tools that students can use to do their own studies of political struggle around the world.
Compares groups, movements, and conflicts cross-nationally and historically.
Clearly shows the connections and differences among revolutions, coups, social movements, civil wars, resistance to authoritarian regimes, nationalistic movements, and many other forms of popular protest--linking them to politics within the halls of government.
Provides dramatic, comprehensible presentations of conflict episodes and evidence.
Methodological appendices neatly sum up concepts, methods, and conflicts presented in the book.
Presents all, including the author's influential theories and those of others, accessibly for the undergraduate.
Contains more than 30 charts, graphs, tables and photos.
All told, the book's vibrant narrative integrates all forms of political action--formal and informal--into a vivid introduction for students.
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圖書標籤: 政治學 社會運動 政治社會學 比較政治 抗爭政治 Tilly 英文原版 social.movement
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