In the early 1300s, Dante Alighieri set out to write the three volumes which make the up The Divine Comedy. Purgatorio is the second volume in this set and opens with Dante the poet picturing Dante the pilgrim coming out of the pit of hell. Similar to the Inferno (34 cantos), this volume is divided into 33 cantos, written in tercets (groups of 3 lines). The English prose is arranged in tercets to facilitate easy correspondence to the verse form of the Italian on the facing page, enabling the reader to follow both languages line by line. In an effort to capture the peculiarities of Dante's original language, this translation strives toward the literal and sheds new light on the shape of the poem. Again the text of Purgatorio follows Petrocchi's La Commedia secondo l'antica vulgata, but the editor has departed from Petrocchi's readings in a number of cases, somewhat larger than in the previous Inferno, not without consideration of recent critical readings of the Comedy by scholars such as Lanza (1995, 1997) and Sanguineti (2001). As before, Petrocchi's punctuation has been lightened and American norms have been followed. However, without any pretensions to being "critical", the text presented here is electic and being not persuaded of the exclusive authority of any manuscript, the editor has felt free to adopt readings from various branches of the stemma. One major addition to this second volume is in the notes, where is found the Intercantica - a section for each canto that discusses its relation to the Inferno and which will make it easier for the reader to relate the different parts of the Comedy as a whole.
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該書是但丁長詩《神麯》繼《地獄》後的第二部分,分33章,講述但丁作為活人,在古羅馬詩人維吉爾的帶領下,在遊覽地獄、見證瞭無信仰的眾生因各種罪過被不同級彆的嚴懲後,升到南半球地麵,在煉獄這座高山上繼續參觀的見聞。 “煉獄”意大利原文是Purgatorio(地獄原文是Infe...
評分與地獄的罪行不同,煉獄的七宗罪(Seven Dealy Sins)更多是指人類自身的缺陷或者說禁忌??(詞窮瞭)~通過試煉加以摒棄、彌補,最後具備瞭七美德(Seven Holy Vertues)者,便可以根據身前作為進入天堂。 PS:七惡/善有N個版本,《神麯》中以羅馬天主教為準 層級 分類 代錶惡...
評分該書是但丁長詩《神麯》繼《地獄》後的第二部分,分33章,講述但丁作為活人,在古羅馬詩人維吉爾的帶領下,在遊覽地獄、見證瞭無信仰的眾生因各種罪過被不同級彆的嚴懲後,升到南半球地麵,在煉獄這座高山上繼續參觀的見聞。 “煉獄”意大利原文是Purgatorio(地獄原文是Infe...
評分該書是但丁長詩《神麯》繼《地獄》後的第二部分,分33章,講述但丁作為活人,在古羅馬詩人維吉爾的帶領下,在遊覽地獄、見證瞭無信仰的眾生因各種罪過被不同級彆的嚴懲後,升到南半球地麵,在煉獄這座高山上繼續參觀的見聞。 “煉獄”意大利原文是Purgatorio(地獄原文是Infe...
評分與地獄的罪行不同,煉獄的七宗罪(Seven Dealy Sins)更多是指人類自身的缺陷或者說禁忌??(詞窮瞭)~通過試煉加以摒棄、彌補,最後具備瞭七美德(Seven Holy Vertues)者,便可以根據身前作為進入天堂。 PS:七惡/善有N個版本,《神麯》中以羅馬天主教為準 層級 分類 代錶惡...
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