In a house haunted by memories, the past is everywhere...As darkness falls, a man caught in a snowstorm is forced to shelter at the strange, grim house Wuthering Heights. It is a place he will never forget. There he will come to learn the story of Cathy: how she was forced to choose between her well-meaning husband and the dangerous man she had loved since she was young. How her choice led to betrayal and terrible revenge and continues to torment those in the present. How love can transgress convention, even death. And how desire can kill.
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伍爾夫在提到艾米莉·勃朗特的《呼嘯山莊》時說,促使艾米莉·勃朗特創作的衝動不是她自身的痛苦和傷害,在讀完《呼嘯山莊》,我難於相信她這種說法。小說中那種痛徹心扉的激情,如果不是有過個人體驗,憑一個人的想象力幾乎是不可能達到的。 一位好心的紳士從街頭引迴一個...
評分並不覺得男女主角之愛令人震撼 還什麼愛情的絕唱之類的 似乎這愛多可歌可泣 不過是一個偏激的男人偏激的愛 並沒顯得這愛多偉大 吸引我的不是上一代的故事 雖然他們兩是當之無愧的主角,但那所謂"狂風暴雨"的愛並沒那麼高尚動人或者蕩氣迴腸 這也叫蕩氣迴腸啊 是他之...
評分2010.7.28 A strange thing happened when I was reading this book. Obviously, the writing itself was powerful and the book, a page turner. But as I was reading it, I never thought of those characters to be real. Neither could I relate to them, nor did I a...
評分並不覺得男女主角之愛令人震撼 還什麼愛情的絕唱之類的 似乎這愛多可歌可泣 不過是一個偏激的男人偏激的愛 並沒顯得這愛多偉大 吸引我的不是上一代的故事 雖然他們兩是當之無愧的主角,但那所謂"狂風暴雨"的愛並沒那麼高尚動人或者蕩氣迴腸 這也叫蕩氣迴腸啊 是他之...
圖書標籤: 外國文學 英文原版
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