约翰‧阿姆斯特朗 (John Armstrong)
Conditions of Love 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书
某天晚上的电台节目。女主播念一篇很长的“暖文章”,其中有一句话的大意是说,判断一个人是否值得交往,需要4个月的相处时间。 如果把每星期见面2次作为频率标准的话,4个月大约需要见面30余次。当然,这里的见面,指的是约会,不管是吃饭、逛街,还是看电影、去公园,必须是...
评分爱有两种历史: 一种是随着文化的巨大变化而产生的一般历史; 另一种是个人的历史,在每一个会爱上他人的生命中发展成型; 爱与被爱——爱的正面 苏格拉底在《会饮篇》中说到对爱人的渴望就如同求知欲一样,对于知识,人并非全然无知,而是略有所知,我们喜欢别人身上的特质也...
评分哲學一詞,當下已高度簡化為「恩考」,君不見書店豬肉桌上一系列什麼生活哲學、飲食哲學、喝水哲學云云,好像有一點文字,加兩分思考就是哲學。哲學,作為愛智與尋找終極(ultimate)的本質,早被人拋諸腦後。John Armstrong的《愛情的條件》,副題<親密關係的哲學>,卻是眾...
评分我有一个朋友,自幼花痴帅哥,对各式花样美男均无抵抗力,可她交往过的男朋友,没有一个长得好看的。感情最深的那个,甚至经常被人评价为“进化不完全”。 还有一个朋友,一直向往古诗词里描述的那种古典爱情,可到头来却找了个意大利男朋友,两人用操着各自国家口音的...
图书标签: 哲学
The worst kind of pseudo-philosophical writing. As a coffee table book, it is hopelessly dry and boring. As a study of the subject in question, its spurious arguments and incoherent verbiage don't even stand a casual examination.
评分The worst kind of pseudo-philosophical writing. As a coffee table book, it is hopelessly dry and boring. As a study of the subject in question, its spurious arguments and incoherent verbiage don't even stand a casual examination.
评分The worst kind of pseudo-philosophical writing. As a coffee table book, it is hopelessly dry and boring. As a study of the subject in question, its spurious arguments and incoherent verbiage don't even stand a casual examination.
评分The worst kind of pseudo-philosophical writing. As a coffee table book, it is hopelessly dry and boring. As a study of the subject in question, its spurious arguments and incoherent verbiage don't even stand a casual examination.
评分The worst kind of pseudo-philosophical writing. As a coffee table book, it is hopelessly dry and boring. As a study of the subject in question, its spurious arguments and incoherent verbiage don't even stand a casual examination.
Conditions of Love 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书