Although Scott Carey doesn’t look any different, he’s been steadily losing weight. There are a couple of other odd things, too. He weighs the same in his clothes and out of them, no matter how heavy they are. Scott doesn’t want to be poked and prodded. He mostly just wants someone else to know, and he trusts Doctor Bob Ellis.
In the small town of Castle Rock, the setting of many of King’s most iconic stories, Scott is engaged in a low grade—but escalating—battle with the lesbians next door whose dog regularly drops his business on Scott’s lawn. One of the women is friendly; the other, cold as ice. Both are trying to launch a new restaurant, but the people of Castle Rock want no part of a gay married couple, and the place is in trouble. When Scott finally understands the prejudices they face–including his own—he tries to help. Unlikely alliances, the annual foot race, and the mystery of Scott’s affliction bring out the best in people who have indulged the worst in themselves and others.
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English Version 未經打磨便迫不及待創作成書的失敗之作。 文章的背景設定很吸引人眼球,但是後麵的敘事描寫實在是不堪入目。為瞭煽情而煽情,倒真的是沒什麼意思瞭。 初識東野圭吾不是源於他的偵探懸疑小說,反倒是溫情之作《解憂雜貨店》,確實不錯,每個人物的敘述描寫真實...
評分English Version 未經打磨便迫不及待創作成書的失敗之作。 文章的背景設定很吸引人眼球,但是後麵的敘事描寫實在是不堪入目。為瞭煽情而煽情,倒真的是沒什麼意思瞭。 初識東野圭吾不是源於他的偵探懸疑小說,反倒是溫情之作《解憂雜貨店》,確實不錯,每個人物的敘述描寫真實...
評分English Version 未經打磨便迫不及待創作成書的失敗之作。 文章的背景設定很吸引人眼球,但是後麵的敘事描寫實在是不堪入目。為瞭煽情而煽情,倒真的是沒什麼意思瞭。 初識東野圭吾不是源於他的偵探懸疑小說,反倒是溫情之作《解憂雜貨店》,確實不錯,每個人物的敘述描寫真實...
評分English Version 未經打磨便迫不及待創作成書的失敗之作。 文章的背景設定很吸引人眼球,但是後麵的敘事描寫實在是不堪入目。為瞭煽情而煽情,倒真的是沒什麼意思瞭。 初識東野圭吾不是源於他的偵探懸疑小說,反倒是溫情之作《解憂雜貨店》,確實不錯,每個人物的敘述描寫真實...
評分English Version 未經打磨便迫不及待創作成書的失敗之作。 文章的背景設定很吸引人眼球,但是後麵的敘事描寫實在是不堪入目。為瞭煽情而煽情,倒真的是沒什麼意思瞭。 初識東野圭吾不是源於他的偵探懸疑小說,反倒是溫情之作《解憂雜貨店》,確實不錯,每個人物的敘述描寫真實...
圖書標籤: 斯蒂芬·金 StephenKing NOVEL FICTION AUDIOBOOK 新英格蘭 小說 外國文學
評分疲軟瞭很久的金這迴終於又雄起瞭!又是一個小鎮上的故事,金一直鍾愛白人小鎮的普通人生活。這次沒有恐怖,但還是有超自然現象的發生。男主是個個大肉厚的典型美國白人,卻在偶然之間發現自己體重下降瞭很多,可是他吃麼麼香,老婆離他而去他反而更沒壓力瞭,隻有他的貓陪著他。鄰居傢搬來瞭一對女子,她們在downtown 開瞭一傢墨西哥餐廳。鄰裏之間的糾葛從她們傢的兩隻狗在他傢的草坪鬧騰開始......然而暗流湧動 ,原來她們是拉拉,和小鎮格格不入的女同,隨著男主的體重持續下降,奇妙的故事在三個人之間發生瞭......雖然結局讓人有些含著淚,但是在這個歲末,我太喜歡這個小故事瞭!一直以為金不僅以長篇見長,他的短篇反而更勝一籌,果然如斯!
評分The only thing harder than saying goodbye to yourself, a pound at a time, was saying goodbye to your friends. 簡直看到眼淚掉下來
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