1 第1堂課 西餐料理所使用的刀具、用具和器皿
Lesson 1 Knives, Tools, and Utensils in Western Cuisine
2 刀具
4 烹調用具
7 機械工具
Mechanical Tools
8 器皿和鍋具
11 第2堂課 香草與辛香料
Lesson 2 Herbs and Spices
12 西餐料理中最常用的香草
The Most Common Herbs Used in Western Cuisine
14 西餐料理中最常用的辛香料
The Most Common Spices Used in Western Cuisine
16 鹽和調味品
Salt and Condiments
19 第3堂課 西餐料理的刀工
Lesson 3 The Cutting Methods in Western Cuisine
20 蔬菜的刀工
The Cutting Methods of Vegetables
22 馬鈴薯的刀工
The Cutting Methods of Potatoes
23 肉類的刀工
The Cutting Methods of Meat
23 魚類的刀工
The Cutting Methods of Fish
24 鄉村蔬菜湯
Farm Style Vegetable Soup
26 奶油蘆筍湯
Cream of Asparagus
29 第4堂課 基礎高湯與基礎醬汁
Lesson 4 Basic Stocks and Base Sauces
30 蔬菜高湯
Vegetable Stock
32 白高湯(雞高湯)
Chicken Stock White
34 褐高湯
Brown Stock
36 濃縮醬汁(肉汁)
Demi Glace (Gravy)
38 白醬
White Base Sauce( Béchamel)
41 第5堂課 冷與溫的乳化醬汁
Lesson 5 Emulsified Sauces, Cold and Warm
42 冷的乳化醬汁──美乃滋
Cold Emulsified Sauces: Mayonnaise
45 冷的乳化醬汁──塔塔醬
Cold Emulsified Sauces: Tartare
46 溫的乳化醬汁──荷蘭醬汁
Warm Emulsified Sauces: Hollandaise
49 第6堂課 色拉和開胃菜
Lesson 6 Salads and Appetizers
50 巴伐利亞捲心菜絲色拉
Bavarian Cabbage Salad
52 瑞士馬鈴薯色拉
Swiss Potato Salad
54 玻璃杯盛意式玉米糕與綜閤蘑菇
Verrine with Polenta and Mixed Mushrooms
59 第7堂課 水波煮(低溫水煮)
Lesson 7 Poaching
60 巧婦傢庭式水波煮鰨魚
Sole Poached “Bonne Femme”(Housewife Style)
64 水波煮雞肉佐龍蒿醬汁
Poached Chicken in Tarragon Sauce
67 第8堂課 滾水煮
Lesson 8 Boiling
68 培根蛋奶麵
Pasta Carbonara
71 法式蔬菜燉牛肉湯
Pot au Feu
75 第9堂課 蒸
Lesson 9 Steaming
76 蒸乾貝佐粉紅鬍椒醬汁
Steamed Scallops with Pink Peppercorn Sauce
79 蒸牛腰肉佐杜鬆子泡泡與焗烤????馬鈴薯
Steamed Beef Tenderloin with Juniper Foam and Potato Gratin
83 第10堂課 油炸
Lesson 10 Deep Fat Frying
84 蝦米花佐田園色拉
Pop Corn Shrimp with Garden Greens
89 炸牛柳佐烤馬鈴薯
Chicken Fried Steak with Baked Potato
93 第11堂課 嫩煎
Lesson 11 Sautéing
94 主廚俄羅斯牛肉佐自製麵疙瘩
Beef Stroganoff My Way with Homemade Doughball
97 蘇黎世式豬裏脊佐瑞士馬鈴薯絲餅
Veal Zurich Style and Rosti Potatoes
103 第12堂課 燒烤
Lesson 12 Grilling
104 燒烤牛腰肉佐綜閤蔬菜與法式貝阿奈滋醬汁
Grilled Beef Tenderloin with Mixed Vegetables and Bearnaise Sauce
106 燒烤羊排佐迷迭香醬汁
Grilled Lamb Chops with Rosemary Dressing
111 第13堂課 烤
Lesson 13 Gratinating
112 印度寇鬆夫人焗烤魚湯
Gratinated Fish Soup “Lady Curzon”
114 綜閤莓果沙巴雍佐香草冰淇淋
Fresh Berries with Sabayon and Vanilla Ice Cream
117 第14堂課 烘烤
Lesson 14 Baking
118 酥皮裹豬小裏脊佐芥末醬
Pork Tenderloin in Puff Pastry with Mustard Sauce
122 法國培根起司鹹派佐西紅柿片
Quiche Lorraine with Sliced Tomatoes
129 第15堂課 爐烤
Lesson 15 Roasting
130 烤牛肉佐紅酒醬汁、馬鈴薯絲煎餅與奶油煎玉米筍
Slow Roast Beef Chuck with Red Wine Sauce, Darphine Potatoes and Baby Corn
134 小茴香烤豬肉佐蘋果醬汁、馬鈴薯泥和糖煮鬍蘿蔔
Roast Pork with Cumin, Apple Sauce, Creamed Potatoes and Glazed Carrots
139 第16堂課 燜煮
Lesson 16 Braising
140 比利時洋蔥啤酒燜牛肉佐馬鈴薯青豆蛋捲
Belgian Beef Carbonade with Potato Green Pea Omelet
143 印度椰汁咖喱雞
Chicken Curry Madras
147 第17堂課 燉煮
Lesson 17 Stewing
148 匈牙利燉牛肉佐麵疙瘩與俄羅斯蛋香色拉
Hungarian Beef Goulash with Spaetzle and Mimosa Salad
152 蔬菜燉羊肉
Lamb Stew Spring Style with Its Own Vegetables
155 第18堂課 甜點
Lesson 18 Desserts
156 熱莓果佐香草冰淇淋
Hot Berries with Vanilla Ice Cream
158 柳橙舒芙蕾
Orange Souffle
161 第19堂課 烘焙
Lesson 19 Baking
162 披薩麵團
Pizza Dough
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