The tenth edition of Operating System Concepts has been revised to keep it fresh and up-to-date with contemporary examples of how operating systems function, as well as enhanced interactive elements to improve learning and the student’s experience with the material. It combines instruction on concepts with real-world applications so that students can understand the practical usage of the content. End-of-chapter problems, exercises, review questions, and programming exercises help to further reinforce important concepts. New interactive self-assessment problems are provided throughout the text to help students monitor their level of understanding and progress. A Linux virtual machine (including C and Java source code and development tools) allows students to complete programming exercises that help them engage further with the material.
Operating System Concepts 10th edition 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載
康奈爾大學教授之作,大名鼎鼎的“恐龍書”。國內考研推薦的OS讀物,是入門級彆的經典好書,相對於國內的操作係統教材,本書語言通俗易懂,敘述詳細,例子豐富,能夠結閤當下的流行的操作係統實例,分析介紹os的基本理論,敘述頗能引人入勝,建議結閤簡單的os源碼(如linux 0.0...
評分第一遍閱讀並沒有感到它有什麼特彆之處,大約和國內大部分OS方麵的教科書大同小異,讀完這本後讀瞭A.S.Tanenbaum的《Operating System:Design and Implementation》,再重新閱讀此書,突然發現很多以前沒有仔細斟酌的地方實際上蘊涵瞭很深的思想,通過它確實建立瞭對OS一個係統...
評分網上說這本書是拉著學生翻譯的。但是不管你怎麼翻譯,你怎麼把代碼都翻譯錯瞭。 105頁pthread的代碼,錯誤不下於10個,纔幾十行代碼阿。。。 簡單列舉幾個。 1.函數聲明void runner(void *param),後麵的定義是void *runner(void *param).... 2.pthread-t,pthread-attr-t應該是...
評分《操作係統概念》是一本好書,當然,這指的是原版。據說它是學習os登堂入室的首選佳作。 而這本翻譯版,像很多國內的翻譯版一樣,翻譯得十分晦澀,看得十分不爽,所以建議最好還是看原版。
圖書標籤: 操作係統 計算機係列必讀 操作係統 內功 Programming CS 計算機係統 計算機科學
Operating System Concepts 10th edition 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載