Michael Kerrisk is well-known in the Linux community as the maintainer of the man-pages project (www.kernel.org/doc/man-pages/), which documents the Linux kernel-userspace and standard C library interfaces. A former Digital Equipment Corporation programmer and trainer, Kerrisk was more recently an engineer at Google and then a fellow at the Linux Foundation working on kernel-userspace interface design review, testing, and documentation. He is a New Zealander living with his family in Munich, Germany.
The Linux Programming Interface describes the Linux API (application programming interface)-the system calls, library functions, and other low-level interfaces that are used, directly or indirectly, by every program that runs on Linux. Programs that explicitly use these interfaces are commonly called system programs, and include applications such as shells, editors, windowing systems, terminal emulators, file managers, compilers, database management systems, virtual machines, network servers, and much of the other software that is employed on a daily basis on Linux systems. Extensively indexed and heavily cross-referenced, The Linux Programming Interface is both an introductory guide for readers new to the topic of system programming, and a comprehensive reference for experienced system programmers. Although this book goes into detail on a wealth of Linux-specific features, it gives careful attention to contemporary Unix programming standards and to portability issues.
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評分本書既可以用來全麵熟悉Linux/Unix係統編程,又可以作為手冊時常查閱,閱讀時最好有C基礎和linux的使用經驗 有同學說本書內容全麵細緻,但是缺乏由淺入深的特性,個人認為這樣的書很難對初學者錶現的很友好,包括APUE也是這樣,讀起來還不如這本更順暢 2015-09-12 一年內利用...
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圖書標籤: linux Programming Linux 編程 Linux/Unix 計算機 操作係統 Linux|Unix
13 年標記的想讀,讀瞭五分之一放棄瞭……上個月下定決心,耗費瞭八周幾乎全部的業餘時間,終於從頭到尾一字不落的讀完瞭……64 章,1400 頁的篇幅,巨細靡遺,超越 APUE 的絕對經典。可以說,普通後端工程師碰到的大多數日常問題,都可以在這本書裏找到答案……這書就是一個加強版的 Linux 操作係統的手冊。但是不得不說,操作係統手冊類的書讀起來真的是太枯燥瞭,曆史包袱太重,簡單的抽象背後(所謂的 Unix 哲學)映射到現實世界,就是成百上韆各種風格雜糅在一起的 syscall,歸到底,現實世界還是太復雜啦……
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