作者1967年自願赴內濛古額侖草原插隊。1978年返城。1979年考入社科院研究生院。 其作品《狼圖騰》1971年起腹稿於內濛古锡盟東烏珠穆沁草原。1997年初稿於北京。2003年歲末定稿於北京。2004年4月齣版。
An epic Chinese tale in the vein of The Last Emperor, Wolf Totem depicts the dying culture of the Mongols-the ancestors of the Mongol hordes who at one time terrorized the world-and the parallel extinction of the animal they believe to be sacred: the fierce and otherworldly Mongolian wolf
Published under a pen name, Wolf Totem was a phenomenon in China, breaking all sales records there and earning the distinction of being the second most read book after Mao's little red book. There has been much international excitement too-to date, rights have been sold in thirteen countries. Wolf Totem is set in 1960s China-the time of the Great Leap Forward, on the eve of the Cultural Revolution.
Searching for spirituality, Beijing intellectual Chen Zhen travels to the pristine grasslands of Inner Mongolia to live among the nomadic Mongols-a proud, brave, and ancient race of people who coexist in perfect harmony with their unspeakably beautiful but cruel natural surroundings. Their philosophy of maintaining a balance with nature is the ground stone of their religion, a kind of cult of the wolf.
The fierce wolves that haunt the steppes of the unforgiving grassland searching for food are locked with the nomads in a profoundly spiritual battle for survival-a life-and-death dance that has gone on between them for thousands of years. The Mongols believe that the wolf is a great and worthy foe that they are divinely instructed to contend with, but also to worship and to learn from. Chen's own encounters with the otherworldly wolves awake a latent primitive instinct in him, and his fascination with them blossoms into obsession, then reverence.
After many years, the peace is shattered with the arrival of Chen's kinfolk, Han Chinese, sent from the cities to bring modernity to the grasslands. They immediately launch a campaign to exterminate the wolves, sending the balance that has been maintained with religious dedication for thousands of years into a spiral leading to extinction-first the wolves, then the Mongol culture, finally the land. As a result of the eradication of the wolves, rats become a plague and wild sheep graze until the meadows turn to dust. Mongolian dust storms glide over Beijing, sometimes blocking out the moon.
Part period epic, part fable for modern days, Wolf Totem is a stinging social commentary on the dangers of China's overaccelerated economic growth as well as a fascinating immersion into the heart of Chinese culture.
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讀書,有時候還真的需要瞭解一些曆史背景啊。這部《狼圖騰》就是在中國最混亂的那個時期大背景下,所描寫的一部關於狼的精神圖騰的故事。 一 書中不乏很多關於對中國曆史和政治變革的思想觀點。特彆是最後一篇關於狼圖騰的講座與對話。幾乎把我早已忘記的初高中曆史課本從頭到...
評分原本以為自己根本就不會看這本書,讓它靜靜躺在書店的一角和我沒有任何關係。沒想到他對這本書感興趣,於是我也做瞭讀這本書的嘗試。 不知不覺中,竟從晦澀變成瞭涓涓流暢,從堅持變成瞭依戀。一路上,狼身的皮毛和溫度似乎都圍在我的四周,讓我感到陣陣溫暖。書給我的...
評分許多人對《狼圖騰》贊譽有加,最近還被拍成瞭電影,我分三次終於勉強看完瞭這本書,直覺上覺得很不感冒,可是還是努力發掘其中的優點,我的態度算挺端正的瞭。 首先作者極力描述草原的秀麗風光,文筆細膩,可並不代錶就是精彩,甚至有些纍贅,不過那麼用心地寫,沒有功...
評分2006年4月,春天的新疆巴裏坤縣西山草原寒氣未消。 一群狼將一個牧民傢的駱駝咬死瞭,牧民一氣之下用獵槍打死瞭母狼,把一窩狼娃子掏瞭迴來…… 當地農民陳明聽說這個事兒以後,立即趕往那個牧民傢中。 陳明:我趕快到掏狼崽的那人傢,三四隻狼娃子已經被...
評分許多人對《狼圖騰》贊譽有加,最近還被拍成瞭電影,我分三次終於勉強看完瞭這本書,直覺上覺得很不感冒,可是還是努力發掘其中的優點,我的態度算挺端正的瞭。 首先作者極力描述草原的秀麗風光,文筆細膩,可並不代錶就是精彩,甚至有些纍贅,不過那麼用心地寫,沒有功...
圖書標籤: 薑戎 翻譯 wolf 外文原版 小說 中國文學 totem Translation
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