Anders Hansen is a physician and psychiatry specialist from the Karolinska Institute. He has published more than two thousand articles on medical science. He is the author of Prescription for Health. Hansen lives in Stockholm, Sweden.
Is there a foolproof way to reduce stress and anxiety while you boost your memory? Raise your IQ even as you slow down the aging process? Become more creative and train your ability to focus at the same time? The answer is simple: Move! Modern neuroscience and research has shown, more than ever, that physical exercise has extraordinary effects on our cognition.
Physical activity, more so than Sudoku or crossword puzzles, optimizes our mental abilities and health in a way unparalleled by any drug, medication, or food supplement. And exercise doesn’t just enhance your health, energy and mood levels, and cognitive abilities. You will also learn:
-Why physical training is the best protection against dementia
-What type of exercise can be used to treat depression as an antidepressant
-How exercise increases the ability to focus in children, especially kids with ADHD
-How children with good fitness can become better in math and reading comprehension
-Why “runner’s high,” the natural chemicals released during jogging, improves your health and mood
With practical and concrete advice for the layman on how to reap these benefits, as well as neuroscientific research from the last five years broken down to accessible findings, The Real Happy Pill urges you to train your body and mind for a whole-body upgrade, and start to move!
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原來運動除瞭可以健身,減肥,對增強記憶力,緩解焦慮,都有幫助,甚至可以輔助進行某些精神疾病的治療,真可謂是好處多多。 本書從專業醫學角度入手,用淺顯易懂的生活用語,給我們講述瞭運動對大腦産生的影響。 強烈建議一直立誌要運動卻遲遲沒有邁開腿的朋友們看看這本書,...
評分 評分原來運動除瞭可以健身,減肥,對增強記憶力,緩解焦慮,都有幫助,甚至可以輔助進行某些精神疾病的治療,真可謂是好處多多。 本書從專業醫學角度入手,用淺顯易懂的生活用語,給我們講述瞭運動對大腦産生的影響。 強烈建議一直立誌要運動卻遲遲沒有邁開腿的朋友們看看這本書,...
評分這個世界一定是想懟死對壓力敏感的人,否則為什麼要給人腦設計這種坑死人不償命的惡性循環: 壓力→大腦裏的海馬體和額葉萎縮→人就對壓力更加敏感→對壓力源反應過度→覺得整個世界都在擠兌自己→無法開朗自信想開點,而是萎靡焦慮加抑鬱→人感到的壓力更大→海馬體和額葉進一...
圖書標籤: 腦科學 英文譯本 健康 個人管理 運動 躁起來 英文原著 英文原版
走起來最好跑起來,可以讓你降低焦慮、增進注意力、更開心、增強注意力、對抗癡呆。反正好處多多。 寫的也是通俗易懂,在附加相應的實驗證據,不會讓這些建議聽上去像魔法。
評分A very professional work introduces how physical exercises resolve stress and depression.
評分走起來最好跑起來,可以讓你降低焦慮、增進注意力、更開心、增強注意力、對抗癡呆。反正好處多多。 寫的也是通俗易懂,在附加相應的實驗證據,不會讓這些建議聽上去像魔法。
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