Roger McNamee has been a Silicon Valley investor for 35 years. He co-founded successful funds in venture, crossover, and private equity. His most recent fund, Elevation, included U2's Bono as a co-founder. He holds a B.A. from Yale University and an M.B.A. from the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth College. Roger plays bass and guitar in the bands Moonalice and Doobie Decibel System and is the author of The New Normal and The Moonalice Legend: Posters and Words, Volumes 1-9. He has served as a technical advisor for seasons two through five of HBO's "Silicon Valley" series and was also responsible for raising the money that created the Wikimedia Foundation.
The story of how a noted tech venture capitalist, an early mentor to Mark Zuckerberg and investor in his company, woke up to the serious damage Facebook was doing to our society and set out to try to stop it.
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圖書標籤: MEDIA 社會學 INTERNET Dissertation
[有聲書] 雖然被吐槽囉嗦,但對我這種2016年美國大選之後沒有很好follow新聞的人來說,還是能得到關於FB被操作乾預大選的很多信息,以及IT大鰐們的盈利模式。最後的appendix(包含作者2016年上半年給FB領導層的信,以及索羅斯在2018達沃斯的演講稿)和bibliography essay算是核心總結。在政策層麵上,作者呼籲政府乾預;在個人層麵上,作者呼籲不用FB或者Google等賬號登錄其他平颱,不在這類SNS平颱上進行政治評論。關於filter bubble的壞處,以及SNS將filter bubble升級(我們永遠隻和“誌同道閤”者接觸),還是很警醒的。其實就算沒有SNS,我們也都是逐漸在自覺不自覺地建起圍繞自己的filter bubble呢…
評分作者真囉嗦 fackbook feeds on the weaknesses of humanity, is vulnerable to bad actors and undermines democracy
評分作為在AI這個領域的人深知數據和隱私的trade off,作者的觀點非常值得關注。行文確實有點囉嗦,大段內容重復。
評分provoking details are useful
評分對democracy, internet privacy以及fb,goog掙錢的方式有瞭更深的理解
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