Hans Bellmer (1902-1975) was one of the most uncompromising artists of the twentieth century. An associate of the Dadaists and Surrealists, throughout his work he pursued a profoundly personal, eroticized vision that defies any simplistic categorization. Bellmer was born in Katowice, Poland, to a middle-class family. As a young man he was arrested in 1922 for exhibiting artwork that "undermined the moral supports of the state." In 1923 he moved to Berlin where, under the influence of George Grosz and others, he further developed the formidable skills in draftsmanship that underlie all his later graphic work. In 1933 Bellmer abandoned his established career as a publicity artist and cultivated an increasingly obsessive relationship with the remarkable dolls he had begun to fabricate (inspired by the discovery of a box of childhood toys) and photograph. In 1938 Bellmer relocated to Paris. The following year he was arrested -- along with Max Ernst -- and sent to an internment camp for German nationals, but released after a number of months. In 1941 he threw his passport down a sewer drain. Bellmer spent the remainder of his life in France, often in difficult circumstances. He died in Paris in 1975, and is buried next to Unica Zürn in the Père Lachaise Cemetery.
Bellmer’s friendships with literary figures such as Jöe Bousquet, Paul Eluard, and Georges Bataille resulted in a number of collaborations and illustrated books. His personal relations with women were often fraught with tragedy: his first wife, Margarete, died from tuberculosis; his second marriage ended in divorce; his lover and associate Nora Mitrani died before she could complete a biography of Bellmer entitled Rose au coeur violet (Rose with a Violet Heart); and his later collaborator and lover, the poet Unica Zürn, committed suicide by jumping from the window of his apartment after a protracted struggle with schizophrenia.
Bellmer’s diverse artistic output ranged from sculpture and objets provocateur, to drawings, gouaches, engravings, and photographs. In the decades since they were conceived, these explicit creations have lost none of their power—in fact, they have only become more controversial.
HANS BELLMER Photographe
Paris. Centre Georges Pompidou/Filipacchi, 1983, 152pp., over 150 illustrations, some in color. The major book on the artist's erotic photos. French text. 4to., cloth, d.j. Protected against wear in Brodart Archival Mylar. MINT.
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評分大多內頁隻有右半邊。。。左半邊就是空的啊!空的啊!!!坑爹啊!!這書在東京淺草橋,颱東區柳橋2-18-11的夜想係列的大本營有賣~~~其實基本網上的圖是全的~~ 不過正如書裏提到的,是攝影給力啊!不單是人偶,攝影的重要性很明顯,那些黑白照片染色的球體關節,魅力絕對比實物...
評分大多內頁隻有右半邊。。。左半邊就是空的啊!空的啊!!!坑爹啊!!這書在東京淺草橋,颱東區柳橋2-18-11的夜想係列的大本營有賣~~~其實基本網上的圖是全的~~ 不過正如書裏提到的,是攝影給力啊!不單是人偶,攝影的重要性很明顯,那些黑白照片染色的球體關節,魅力絕對比實物...
圖書標籤: 藝術 攝影 人形 Hans.Bellmer 畫集 設計 Hans_Bellmer 畫冊
#補標 2016#漢斯·貝爾默,生於20世紀初的德國,為反抗納粹黨而進行一係行“無關國傢利益”的人偶創作,後因其人偶創作被納粹分子指責為“墮落”的象徵而逃亡到法國。 他是惡趣味的“球型關節人偶”的創始人。 《唐草物語》的作者澀澤龍彥的傢裏不但有堆至天花闆的藏書,還有用作研究黑魔法的各種巫術道路,甚至在椅子上還躺著Hans Bellmer的球型關節人偶。 已成“暗黑美學”的一部分。 https://www.douban.com/photos/album/14596975
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評分真 狠角
評分真 狠角
評分#補標 2016#漢斯·貝爾默,生於20世紀初的德國,為反抗納粹黨而進行一係行“無關國傢利益”的人偶創作,後因其人偶創作被納粹分子指責為“墮落”的象徵而逃亡到法國。 他是惡趣味的“球型關節人偶”的創始人。 《唐草物語》的作者澀澤龍彥的傢裏不但有堆至天花闆的藏書,還有用作研究黑魔法的各種巫術道路,甚至在椅子上還躺著Hans Bellmer的球型關節人偶。 已成“暗黑美學”的一部分。 https://www.douban.com/photos/album/14596975
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