郭小橹,1973年生于浙江温岭石塘镇渔村,18岁就读北京电影学院,获学士及硕士学位,写剧本,做电影导演,发表小说和影评,出版有文集《电影地图》、《电影理论笔记》,小说《芬芳的37°2》、《我心中的石头镇》和电影剧本《我妈妈的男朋友是谁》等。2002年起旅居英国,至今拍了六部长短片,包括纪录北京申奥期间的《嵌入肉体的城市》,获法国巴黎“国际人权影展”大奖、描写城乡及归乡情结的《今天的鱼怎么样?》,获2007年法国 Créteil“国际女性影展”评审团大奖,以及藉由双亲的东西行旅透视文化冲突的新片《西行之路》等。
A Concise Chinese-English Dictionary for Lovers 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
最早看到郭小橹这个名字应该是在早期全盛时期的城市画报,她写关于电 影的小品文,以电影硕士的身份,后来消失,或者只是我失去了阅读这份画 报的耐心.今年当这个名字再次进入视野,就已经是在主流英语媒体了,报道这位进 入Orange Broadband Prize for Fiction 决赛的中国留英女作...
评分So here we go, another book by another Chinese girl about her relationship with a foreigner. At first I was sceptical, but the premises were tempting. A young Chinese girl, going out with a forty something (yes!) artistic type (yes!!) Guardian-reading(yes!!...
评分翻过封面,背面写着:...first novel in (deliberately bad) English is a romantic comedy about... believe me, it is not a comedy, except for the beginning. Maybe that applies for most of the romances in the world.
评分故事简单,语言也简单,但是却不乏精彩深刻之笔,比如题目这句“our Chinese live in the expectation”——中国人不容易满足,社会也不容许轻易知足。
图书标签: 小说 小說 留學 愛情 外国文学 ★ 英國 现当代文学
Language and love collide in this inventive novel of a young Chinese woman's journey to the West and her attempts to understand the language, and the man, she adores.Zhuang – or “Z,” to tongue-tied foreigners – has come to London to study English, but finds herself adrift, trapped in a cycle of cultural gaffes and grammatical mishaps. Then she meets an Englishman who changes everything, leading her into a world of self-discovery. She soon realizes that, in the West, “love” does not always mean the same as in China, and that you can learn all the words in the English language and still not understand your lover. And as the novel progresses with steadily improving grammar and vocabulary, Z's evolving voice makes her quest for comprehension all the more poignant. With sparkling wit, Xiaolu Guo has created an utterly original novel about identity and the cultural divide.
没想到Dr. Polley提到的Xiaolu Guo居然是这本书的作者,以前听过drama,一直以为是the British胡编的故事,偶然发现还有书。想描写中西文化差异本身是好的,可呈现出来的东西,怎么给人感觉很不好,简直像是有意贬低损国人形象,哎真是够了,不想再看一遍。
评分都是chinglish写的很有趣 故事挺简单的 一个少女成长的故事 感觉有些写给外国人看的味道
A Concise Chinese-English Dictionary for Lovers 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书