Frederik Peeters was born in 1974 and lives in Geneva, where he's an established comics artist. Blue Pills, which has sold in a number of languages (including Polish and Korean) and been nominated for several prestigious comic book awards, is his most well-known book, and the first to be translated into English. It has sold over 20,000 copies in its original French.
An intimate, poetic and accessible graphic memoir very much in the tradition of works by Marjane Satrapi, Craig Thompson and Alison Bechdel. One summer night at a teenage house party, Fred met Cati. Though they barely spoke, he vividly remembers her gracefulness juxtaposed with a wonderful, wild abandon. They meet again at a New Year's Party in 1999, and this time their connection is instantaneous. A few weeks later, when it looks like things might get serious, a very nervous Cati tells him that she and her three-year-old son are both HIV positive. With great beauty and economy, Peeters' traces the development of their emotional and sexual intimacy. The silver lining in their lives is the wonderful, down-to-earth doctor whose affection and frankness allow them to confront their fears about sex and fully realize their passionate connection. But when Cati's son gets sick and they have to administer a gruelling treatment (including the blue pills of the title), Fred comes face to face with death. His questions about life, love and illness are played out in a Socratic dialogue with a (very wise) mammoth who ultimately helps him to recognize that living with illness is also a gift; it has freed him to savour his life with Cati. Blue Pills explores a daunting and difficult subject in a way that is refreshingly honest, moving and revelatory. Peeters, while writing specifically about HIV, has also given us a nuanced and deeply personal story that will resonate with anyone who is intimately acquainted with any kind of illness - and all of us who have chosen to love in the face of challenges.
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問這個問題的人,心裏想要的是個肯定答案。 這本書的答案是愛。 愛上一個HIV攜帶者,和愛上一個癌癥患者是不一樣的。如果你可以被《一公升眼淚》所感動,那麼這個故事可以震撼到你。前者,你愛就好瞭,就算ta的生命為時不多,但是你願意在有限的時間裏陪伴著ta,為ta盡可能地...
評分如果魂牽夢縈多年的意中人結婚、生子又離異,孑然一身的你,是否願意與TA重組傢庭?如果在邁入人生下一階段的關鍵節點,對方坦白自己和孩子都是HIV病毒攜帶者,你是否還有勇氣與其共度一生? 偏見、同情、欲望、惡心、懲罰、拋棄、痛苦、逃避、占有…… 詞語翻轉,捲成亂麻,在...
評分如果魂牽夢縈多年的意中人結婚、生子又離異,孑然一身的你,是否願意與TA重組傢庭?如果在邁入人生下一階段的關鍵節點,對方坦白自己和孩子都是HIV病毒攜帶者,你是否還有勇氣與其共度一生? 偏見、同情、欲望、惡心、懲罰、拋棄、痛苦、逃避、占有…… 詞語翻轉,捲成亂麻,在...
評分其實。這本書還沒來得及看呢 隻不過早幾年我發瘋似的喜歡上一個人 一個很優秀的人 初交甚淺,但短短幾句話,幾個動作,便被迷的五迷三道。 隨後一天在賓館裏。他和我說。我是攜帶者。起初以為我那變態的追求攻勢讓他反感瞭。想把我嚇跑。 然後他鄭重其事地再三確定他的話。甚至...
圖書標籤: 漫畫 繪本/漫畫/圖像小說 瑞士 傳記 comic Peeters GraphicNovel Frederik
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