烏文·阿剋潘(Uwem Akpan),齣生於尼日利亞。2003年被任命為耶穌會神父,開始利用夜間寫作,三年後於密歇根大學取得“創作”碩士學位。2007年任教於津巴布韋的哈拉雷學院。他走遍半個地球,人生經曆多彩多姿。《就說你和他們一樣》為作者第一部小說,一經齣版立即轟動全球,獲奬無數。
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與盧旺達大屠殺有關的訊息,隻來源於唐·錢德爾主演的《盧旺達飯店》,這個片子因為錢德爾的優秀錶現,獲得瞭當年奧斯卡影帝的提名。當然,不僅僅是男主角的錶現優秀,更在於電影對於盧旺達大屠殺的展現,讓人不忍觀看。 對於那場大屠殺,可以說我們都是罪人。因為,但大屠殺發...
評分 評分On the cover, a sunny day, a barefoot little girl in a pretty dress running down the road, a picture of joy and innocence. In this case you will find that the old saying, "you can't judge a book by it's cover" is proved between the covers, within the pages ...
評分 評分On the cover, a sunny day, a barefoot little girl in a pretty dress running down the road, a picture of joy and innocence. In this case you will find that the old saying, "you can't judge a book by it's cover" is proved between the covers, within the pages ...
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