《现代风水精鉴》作者董斌,环境文化学学者,名斌,字墅评,又名叔平。国际东西方大学(IEWU)环境决策管理学术教育计划项目总监,美国夏威夷国际东西方大学国际环境生态学院(International East-West University at International School of Environmental Ecology )资深研究员。董斌研究员是《现代风水精鉴(现代环境景观生态风水精鉴)》作者,《中西建筑风水汇通》作者,专著《现代风水精鉴》,2002年由台北武陵出版公司出版,ISBN:957-351-2073。他在建筑风水学研究中,融合环境景观环境生态环境心理环境生理环境物理等研究,致力于商业环境的建筑风水景观研究探索和家居建筑风水研究探索,首次引入环境风水的同感共鸣理念和环境动力自然疗法理念。二零零八年七月十日,董斌先生被国际东西方大学任命为国际环境生态学院的研究员,该研究涉及合成与可再生环境管理和生态应用工程改造系统,即刻生效,任期为两年。在此委任基础上,董斌还被委任为国际东西方大学环境决策管理学术教育计划【总监】,针对教学课程发展,指导该专业领域的学生与研究生。这项任命是由东西大学校长成中英博士亲自签发正式文件颁授的。并在同年九月,得到夏威夷东西方大学理事会决议通过任命。
现代风水精鉴 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
图书标签: 风水 景观 建筑 房地产
MaMster Dong Bing is a young and formost specialist on Feng Shui of the environment in contemporary china,he is a member of the international Society for Yi Jing(ISYJ) and is a Fellow of the American Feng Shui Institute. On June 27, 2008,Master Dong was appointed a Researcher to President of East-West University . Master Dong was also appointed as Regional Administrator and Regional Director in charge of R&D for academic courses and educational projects in East-West University. Dr. Chung Ying Cheng, President of the East-West University appointed his. His responsibilities: Academic & Professional Collaboration and Poly University Outpost Centre in China.
The Identification of Modern Feng Shui is author's recent work,his initial proposition in this book 'Life Medical Science of Environmental Motive Power'
Master Dong is currently working on his upcoming books, The next is entitled "The Enviroment Motive Power of Feng Shui-Book III"."
My Feng shui Standpoint
by Master Bing Dong
Let's ancient Fengshui from a historical viewpoint.
The ancient Fengshui of china is based on Taoist philosophies of nature; these include the Yin-Yang Theory,Five-Elements Theory,and the Trigrams based on Yijing, Fengshui literally means "Wind" and "water" ,ittakes into account many different
现代风水精鉴 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书