Victor-Marie Hugo (1802-1885) was a French poet, playwright, novelist, essayist, visual artist, statesman, human rights campaigner, and perhaps the most influential exponent of the Romantic movement in France. In France, Hugo's literary reputation rests primarily on his poetic and dramatic output and only secondarily on his novels. Among many volumes of poetry, Les Contemplations and La Lgende des Sicles stand particularly high in critical esteem, and Hugo is sometimes identified as the greatest French poet. In the Englishspeaking world his best-known works are often the novels Les Misrables and Notre-Dame de Paris (translated into English as The Hunchback of Notre-Dame) (1899). Though extremely conservative in his youth, Hugo moved to the political left as the decades passed; he became a passionate supporter of republicanism, and his work touches upon most of the political and social issues and artistic trends of his time. He is buried in the Panthon. Amongst his other works are: Napoleon the Little (1852), The Man Who Laughs (1869), The History of a Crime (1877), Poems (1888) and The Memoirs of Victor Hugo.
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格溫普蘭 和 蒂 一個麵容被毀 和 一個盲人 兩個人在艱難歲月中成長,相愛 又被殘酷的現實世界拋棄 雨果的文字,充滿瞭苦難和悲傷,讀起來讓人憂鬱不已 仿佛,心都在哭泣 有時又會為他們僅有的一點溫馨而感動,而喜悅
評分下麵是我的理由。深情、絕望、極緻的錶白,是對所有虛僞、膚淺、平庸的嘲諷。 “愛情不需要過於濃厚的天國情調。它需要的是發燒的身體,激動的生活,散開的頭發,觸電似的一發不可收拾的接吻,有目的的擁抱。” “我對你說我不願意這樣。你死!我沒有力量阻止它。要死就一起死...
評分實際上,我已經很久沒有用三天時間去看一篇小說瞭。更不幸的是,我是一名長篇小說愛好者。直至幾天前我讀完《笑麵人》。 《笑麵人》是雨果用近三年時間完成麵世的,我個人認為這部小說是繼《悲慘世界》之後讓我印象深刻、頗有感觸的一部作品,雖然它似乎不如《巴黎聖母院》和...
評分《笑麵人》是雨果於1869年寫就的一部長篇小說,在本書中雨果用濃墨重彩的筆調塑造人物、架構情節,煌煌鋪陳瞭一部以笑麵人為中心的十八世紀初英國社會圖景。在閱讀過程中,作者在人物塑造和情節架構方麵的匠心獨運更讓我産生瞭一些理解和思考。 在書中主要人物的形象塑造上,呈...
評分裂嘴而笑,這就是笑麵人,一開始為生的“資本”,也是他最終悲劇人生的坐標。 國王的偏心與不問世事的冷酷,親手殘害孩子的無情,謀害貴族的卑劣,在皇宮裏安逸地生活著,也許你會說,這隻是小說,不過現實中就未必就沒齣現。中國的君王中也不乏這樣的暴君。至於現在...
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