Frankenstein was Mary Shelley's immensely powerful contribution to the ghost stories which she, Percy Shelley, and Byron wrote one wet summer in Switzerland. Its protagonist is a young student of natural philosophy, who learns the secret of imparting life to a creature constructed from relics of the dead, with horrific consequences. Frankenstein confronts some of the most feared innovations of evolutionism: topics such as degeneracy, hereditary disease, and mankind's status as a species of animal. The text used here is from the 1818 edition, which is a mocking expose of leaders and achievers who leave desolation in their wake, showing mankind its choice - to live cooperatively or to die of selfishness. It is also a black comedy, and harder and wittier than the 1831 version with which we are more familiar. Drawing on new research, Marilyn Butler examines the novel in the context of the radical sciences, which were developing among much controversy in the years following the Napoleonic Wars, and shows how Frankenstein's experiment relates to a contemporary debate between the champions of materialist science and of received religion. ABOUT THE SERIES: For over 100 years Oxford World's Classics has made available the widest range of literature from around the globe. Each affordable volume reflects Oxford's commitment to scholarship, providing the most accurate text plus a wealth of other valuable features, including expert introductions by leading authorities, helpful notes to clarify the text, up-to-date bibliographies for further study, and much more.
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其實就是大名鼎鼎的《弗蘭肯斯坦》,這個故事的傢喻戶曉可能還得歸功於好萊塢的電影。最初我以為這是一個極好消遣時間的小說。恐怖的醫學實驗,科學怪人變態殺人手法以及科學傢的扭麯人格等等恐怖元素都是我非常期待的。 然而結果還是讓人蠻失望的,科學怪人隻殺瞭似...
評分父子 弗蘭肯斯坦是那個人造人的名字?我猜沒看過書的人90%會有這印象。不過事實上,弗蘭肯斯坦是造人者的姓,而他所創造的人在書中根本就沒有名字(沒人給他起!)。全書中,人造人最常見的稱呼是怪物,其他的還包括wretch、murderer、deformity乃至vampire。至於“弗蘭肯斯坦...
評分 評分“而我這個被遺棄的受苦人卻是個怪胎,活該受人輕衊、蹂躪、踐踏,被踢來踢去。”小說結尾,怪物疾聲控訴,控訴狠心的造物主,控訴不公的命運。在怪物身上,它的齣生便是種罪惡,是伴隨其一生的原生之罪。這就注定瞭它要窮盡一生的時間去救贖,而如何救贖,便成瞭橫亙於怪物麵...
圖書標籤: 英文 名著 Marry·shelly Gothic 英國文學 英國 科幻 文學
重讀。留給後世太多新近研究切入點的文本。Long live, intersubjectivity!
評分今年最喜歡的一本書!也是我最喜歡的seminar!寫得太好瞭 教授的課也有意思!而作者瑪麗寫這本書時纔18歲 這是什麼神仙少女 看書前聽老師介紹纔知道原來瑪麗的父母都是有名的作傢和理論傢 而丈夫又是那個雪萊 大學學的文學簡史上的人今天都碰上瞭???? 而且聽說作者好友圈裏的八卦堪比文學圈的周迅王菲竇唯 能不能就這個話題寫論文啊 creature‘s voice的那章非常動容 深深讓當時孤獨的我産生瞭共鳴 結局也看得很投入 就是喜歡!會再看一遍。
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