E·B·懷特(1899-1985)生於紐約濛特弗農,畢業於康奈爾大學。多年來他為《紐約人》雜誌擔任專職撰稿人。懷特是一位頗有造詣的散文傢、幽默作傢、詩人和諷刺作傢。對於幾代美國兒童來說,他之所以齣名是因為寫第一流的兒童讀物 《小斯圖亞特》(1945)和《夏洛特的網》(1952)。一代又一代學生和作者熟悉他,因為他是 《風格的要素》這本書的閤著者 (兼修訂者)。該書是關於作文和慣用法的很有價值的小冊子,最初由在康奈爾大學教過懷特英語的小威廉.斯特朗剋教授撰寫。散文 《自由》於1940年7月首先由《哈潑斯》雜誌發錶。當時美國尚未加入反對納粹的戰爭,世界正處於納粹──蘇聯條約的時期,無論左派或右派都忽略瞭極權主義對民主的威脅。這篇散文收入懷特的文集《一個人的肉食》(1942)。
Stuart Little is no ordinary mouse. Born to a family of humans he lives in New York City with his parents, his older brother George and Snowball the cat. Though he's shy and thoughtful, he's an adventurous and heroic little mouse. His daring escapades include racing a toy boat in a Central Park pond, retrieving his mother's ring from a drain, and crawling inside a piano to fix the keys for his brother. When his best friend, a beautiful little bird called Margalo disappears from her nest, Stuart is determined to track her down. He ventures away from home for the very first time in his life and finds himself embroiled in one exciting adventure after another, making new friends and meeting old ones along the way.
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In the loveliest town of all, where the houses were white and high and the elms trees were green and higher than the houses, where the front yards were wide and pleasant and the back yards were bushy and worth finding out about, where the streets sloped dow...
評分 評分我不記得自己認真的讀過童話,這應該是成年後的第一本。 小鼠的故事,看過電影的人都知道。而讀過書,電影又顯得有些乏味。那些靠三維動畫描述的世界,遠沒有想象力賦予我們的世界更廣博和美麗。電影講的是一個故事,而書寫的是一隻小鼠,或者說一個人。 小鼠有父母、哥哥,...
評分 評分圖書標籤: 英文原版 E.B.White 童話 兒童文學 外國文學 English 英文 小說
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