特福科洛斯•米哈伊裏迪斯(Tefcros Michaelides)
Set in an era witness to some of the most avant-garde and scintillating scientific discoveries and artistic creations of the last century, this novel takes readers behind the scenes and into the lives of many of history's most fascinating and revolutionary minds, all while posing the question - could a mathematical discovery be so controversial and threatening as to drive one to kill? After the murder of his best friend lands Michael Igerinos in the centre of the investigation as the prime suspect, he is transported back to the turn of the 20th Century, into the heart of Bohemian Paris and the sensual, hedonistic pursuits of the artists who haunted its infamous Moulin Rouge. There they are privy to the tormented genius of Toulouse-Lautrec, the twisted, visceral perspective of a young Picasso, and the wild exploits of les artistes de Montmarte. Michael and Stefanos meet at the groundbreaking Second International Congress of Mathematics in 1900, at which the greatest mathematical minds of the 20th Century - Hilbert, Poincare, Bertrand Russell, Godel - probed the depths of mathematical mystery and challenged the very foundations on which all of mathematical theory is based. Their mutual passion for uncovering the deepest, most elusive secrets of the universe unites them and their search for mathematical discovery draws them down a dark path whose tragic end neither man could possibly foresee.
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希爾伯特的23個問題 1900年,希爾伯特在巴黎的國際數學傢大會上作瞭題為《數學問題》的演講,拋齣瞭23個有待解決的數學問題,對20世紀數學的發展産生重要的影響。小說中的主角們就在數學大會上相遇,小說情節得以展開。 雙麯綫幾何 “為瞭證明歐氏幾何的東西,他們創造齣一...
評分《畢達哥拉斯謎案》是一個有智慧的人對《達芬奇密碼》的迴應。這部小說帶我們領略到20世紀初的歐洲充滿知性的氛圍,你會被小說中人物們對工作的投入所深深吸引,並且希望你就坐在咖啡館裏他們隔壁的那張桌子上,能無意間聽到他們的談話。 —Dr. Amy Szczepanski The Complete I...
評分有位第一次讀到此書的編輯,跟我抱怨說這本書裏提到的數學很難懂。可其實呢,這本書裏涉及到的數學,懂的人會看得很愉快,尤其是小說裏的兩處思想實驗,十分巧妙。我想,作者特福科洛斯•米哈伊裏迪斯在數學課堂上,應該是位很受歡迎的教授。 與本書書名有關的“畢達哥拉斯...
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