krzysztof cwalina 微軟公司公共語言運行庫(clr)的項目經理。他曾為.net框架的首個版本設計api,並負責框架中的多個名字空間,包括system.collections、system.diagnostics、system.messaging,等等。他也是fxcop開發組的發起成員之一。目前,他正緻力於在整個公司範圍內開發推廣設計規範,並將其應用到.net框架和winfx中。
brad abrams 微軟公司公共語言運行庫開發組和.net框架開發組的創始成員之一,目前是lead program manager。brad也是公共語言規範(cls)、.net框架設計規範及ecmaiso cli標準中程序庫標準的主編。brad與他人閤著瞭programming in the .net environment,他還是.net framework standard library annotated reference(捲1和捲2)的編輯。讀者可以從他的blog:中瞭解他最新的想法。
葛子昂,1998年畢業於南京理工大學計算機係,目前就職於微軟亞洲工程院上海分院,緻力於windows server的相關研發。之前曾先後任職於上海育碧電腦軟件有限公司和上海旭上電子有限公司,從事遊戲軟件的開發及圖形處理器的設計。
Framework Design Guidelines, Second Edition, teaches developers the best practices for designing reusable libraries for the Microsoft .NET Framework. Expanded and updated for .NET 3.5, this new edition focuses on the design issues that directly affect the programmability of a class library, specifically its publicly accessible APIs. This book can improve the work of any .NET developer producing code that other developers will use. It includes copious annotations to the guidelines by thirty-five prominent architects and practitioners of the .NET Framework, providing a lively discussion of the reasons for the guidelines as well as examples of when to break those guidelines. Microsoft architects Krzysztof Cwalina and Brad Abrams teach framework design from the top down. From their significant combined experience and deep insight, you will learn * The general philosophy and fundamental principles of framework design * Naming guidelines for the various parts of a framework * Guidelines for the design and extending of types and members of types * Issues affecting-and guidelines for ensuring-extensibility * How (and how not) to design exceptions * Guidelines for-and examples of-common framework design patterns Guidelines in this book are presented in four major forms: Do, Consider, Avoid, and Do not. These directives help focus attention on practices that should always be used, those that should generally be used, those that should rarely be used, and those that should never be used. Every guideline includes a discussion of its applicability, and most include a code example to help illuminate the dialogue. Framework Design Guidelines, Second Edition, is the only definitive source of best practices for managed code API development, direct from the architects themselves. A companion DVD includes the Designing .N ET Class Libraries video series, instructional presentations by the authors on design guidelines for developing classes and components that extend the .NET Framework. A sample API specification and other useful resources and tools are also included.
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程序和畫畫一樣,無非就是各種元素的控製和充填,隻是把畫畫中的綫條,點什麼的變成瞭程序中的類,接口,函數,然後在統一構成一幅完整的畫捲(程序),如此而已。 首先,本書好就好在,它告訴瞭你程序中的這些元素在.Net中應該如何使用,如何選擇。 當你還在為選擇是用接口...
評分書是以 "要...", "不要..." 組織的, 但精華在於, 關於為什麼會這樣, 以及達成這個規範經曆過什麼, 做瞭詳盡的介紹, 這點在 MSDN 上是沒有的, 或者限於篇幅, 寫得很簡略 另外有收獲的地方是, 讀完全書, 對於 C# 的使用規範, 有瞭個係統的認識, 心裏大體有譜瞭. 關於設計, 很多...
評分書是以 "要...", "不要..." 組織的, 但精華在於, 關於為什麼會這樣, 以及達成這個規範經曆過什麼, 做瞭詳盡的介紹, 這點在 MSDN 上是沒有的, 或者限於篇幅, 寫得很簡略 另外有收獲的地方是, 讀完全書, 對於 C# 的使用規範, 有瞭個係統的認識, 心裏大體有譜瞭. 關於設計, 很多...
評分整本書的大部分內容都在講.Net Framework中是如何考慮變量命名和一些編碼相關的決策,設計的東西太少瞭,或者說我看此書時是希望該書可以討論.Net Framework類是如何設計,又如何一起協作,以及實現這些協作做瞭那些權衡,備選的方案為什麼不是最優的東西,這些信息太少瞭!
評分程序和畫畫一樣,無非就是各種元素的控製和充填,隻是把畫畫中的綫條,點什麼的變成瞭程序中的類,接口,函數,然後在統一構成一幅完整的畫捲(程序),如此而已。 首先,本書好就好在,它告訴瞭你程序中的這些元素在.Net中應該如何使用,如何選擇。 當你還在為選擇是用接口...
圖書標籤: C Framework 編程 design 計算機 架構設計 Programming
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