MICHAEL C. FEATHERS works for Object Mentor, Inc., one of the world's top providers of mentoring, skill development, knowledge transfer, and leadership services in software development. He currently provides worldwide training and mentoring in Test-Driven Development (TDD), Refactoring, OO Design, Java, C#, C++, and Extreme Programming (XP). Michael is the original author of CppUnit, a C++ port of the JUnit testing framework, and FitCpp, a C++ port of the FIT integrated-testing framework. A member of ACM and IEEE, he has chaired CodeFest at three OOPSLA conferences.
Get more out of your legacy systems: more performance, functionality, reliability, and manageability
Is your code easy to change? Can you get nearly instantaneous feedback when you do change it? Do you understand it? If the answer to any of these questions is no, you have legacy code, and it is draining time and money away from your development efforts.
In this book, Michael Feathers offers start-to-finish strategies for working more effectively with large, untested legacy code bases. This book draws on material Michael created for his renowned Object Mentor seminars: techniques Michael has used in mentoring to help hundreds of developers, technical managers, and testers bring their legacy systems under control.
The topics covered include
Understanding the mechanics of software change: adding features, fixing bugs, improving design, optimizing performance
Getting legacy code into a test harness
Writing tests that protect you against introducing new problems
Techniques that can be used with any language or platform—with examples in Java, C++, C, and C#
Accurately identifying where code changes need to be made
Coping with legacy systems that aren't object-oriented
Handling applications that don't seem to have any structure
This book also includes a catalog of twenty-four dependency-breaking techniques that help you work with program elements in isolation and make safer changes.
© Copyright Pearson Education. All rights reserved.
Working Effectively with Legacy Code 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載
Java重構的必讀書,非常實用,但有的時候我想,Java代碼的重構如此復雜,是否說明麵嚮對象的設計思路在很多場閤並不適用呢?比如很多服務端的邏輯本身是典型的函數轉換,如果使用FP範型開發會簡單的多。 推而廣之,如果一種技術在大多數程序員手裏都越用越復雜,以至於需要專傢...
評分一兩個月前看到瞭這本書,那時候正對編寫高質量的代碼很感興趣,於是藉來讀。這一個月斷斷續續的讀完,實際上讀書的時間僅有10天左右的業餘時間。讀的很淺,但也有小小的收獲。 這本書講解如何在不漂亮的舊代碼下寫漂亮的新代碼,依照先有測試後有功能的思想,作者全書都圍繞...
評分這本書看的時間非常長, 斷斷續續有3個星期瞭吧, 不錯的書, 至少對我來說是這樣, 因為我現在就碰到瞭書中列齣的種種問題:對已有的沒有完善的單元測試的核心係統進行重構.為瞭保證少齣亂子, 不齣亂子, 我必須小心的對超大類, 巨型方法采用各種重構手段進行修改, 沒有單元測試作保...
評分一兩個月前看到瞭這本書,那時候正對編寫高質量的代碼很感興趣,於是藉來讀。這一個月斷斷續續的讀完,實際上讀書的時間僅有10天左右的業餘時間。讀的很淺,但也有小小的收獲。 這本書講解如何在不漂亮的舊代碼下寫漂亮的新代碼,依照先有測試後有功能的思想,作者全書都圍繞...
評分買這本書的原因一是這本書確實是一本關於修改老代碼的經典,二來翻譯者是中國地區 InfoQ 的主編。 但是入手看瞭大概到100多頁之後實在是忍不住要上來吐槽一下。 首先是翻譯的通暢性,應該說是比較爛的水準<del>隻能說是將將達到閤格的水準,</del>這個可能是個人的偏見。但是...
圖書標籤: programming 軟件開發 編程 refactoring 計算機 軟件工程 程序設計 TDD
評分Fantastic master piece
評分絕對好書。適閤歲數大的人。年輕人好衝動,動不動就重構,推到重來。歲數大瞭沒那精力瞭,改吧改吧能湊和就行瞭。。。此規則同樣適閤 正文氵颱 現象。
評分TDD, 短小精湛,好讀
Working Effectively with Legacy Code 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載