白睿文(Michael Berry),加州大学圣巴巴拉分校当代中国文化研究副教授。著有《光影言语:当代华语片导演访谈录》(哥伦比亚大学出版社2005,台湾麦田2007,广西师范大学出版社2008)、《痛史:中国现代文学与电影的历史创伤》(哥伦比亚大学出版社2008,台湾麦田2010)。译作包括王安忆《长恨歌》(2008)、余华《活着》(2004)、叶兆言《一九三七年的爱情》(2002)、张大春《野孩子》和《我妹妹》(2000)。
Jia Zhangke's 'Hometown Trilogy' 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
最近在看两本书,一本是白睿文——一个外国人看贾樟柯电影的书, 叫做《乡关何处》,这是我见过的,我觉得写贾樟柯写得最好的书。 另外一本是荒木经惟的《写真的话》。 书主要写的是贾樟柯的“故乡三部曲”,其中有几点对我触动很深: 1 作者找到了贾樟柯每部电影之间内在的脉...
评分 评分看贾樟柯的面相,很难相信他还有一段混在汾阳街头的日子,也没法想象他会在导演这行当成大气候。我的意思是,他没有黑泽明的硬朗下巴,缺少小津的拳击手体格,不戴王家卫那般的墨镜,连发型都不如张艺谋脆生。一次,我跟几个朋友闲聊,假如他不拍电影,最适合干什么?诗人,写...
评分 评分图书标签: 电影 Micheal_Berry 贾樟柯 电影研究 film 视觉转向 白睿文 文化研究、哲學理論
The three films comprising director Jia Zhangke's 'Hometown Trilogy' - Xiao Wu (1997), Platform (2000) and Unknown Pleasures(2002) - represent key contributions to the cinema of contemporary China. The films, which are set in Jia's home province of Shanxi, highlight the plight of marginalised individuals -- singers, dancers, pickpockets, prostitutes and drifters -- as they struggle to navigate through the radically transforming terrain of contemporary China. Xiao Wu tells the story of a small-time pickpocket who faces the breakdown of his relationships with his friends, family and girlfriend. Platform, often considered Jia's most ambitious film, is an epic narrative that bears witness to China's roaring eighties and the radical transformation from socialism to capitalism. Jia's third feature, Unknown Pleasures continues his meditation on China in transition, tracing the story of two delinquent teenagers who live on a diet of saccharine Chinese pop music, karaoke, Pulp Fiction, and Coca-Cola while entertaining pipe dreams of joining the army and becoming small-time gangsters. Michael Berry's in-depth study of the three films considers them as an ambitious attempt to re-examine the transformation and fate of provincial China -- its places and people -- as it is caught up in a whirlwind of sweeping social, cultural and economic change. At the heart of the book lies a series of close readings of each of the three films; through which Berry teases out their central narrative themes, highlighting Jia's use of editing, cinematic language, and mise en scene. He pays special attention to the place of intertextuality in Jia's oeuvre, as well as the central themes of destruction and change, stagnation and movement, political verses popular culture, and, of course, the ceaseless search for home. Michael Berry is Associate Professor of Contemporary Chinese Cultural Studies at the University of California, Santa Barbara. He is the author of Speaking in Images: Interviews with Contemporary Chinese Filmmakers (2005), and A History of Pain: Trauma in Modern Chinese Literature and Film (2008). He is also the translator of several novels, including The Song of Everlasting Sorrow (2008), To Live (2004), Nanjing 1937: A Love Story (2002), and Wild Kids (2000).
以贾樟柯的“故乡三部曲”为基础的详细的文本分析,而白睿文的文本细读的功底从他博士论文A History of Pain就可看出。贾樟柯电影中,故乡在我们眼皮底下腐朽破败。我们见证了随着人际关系、道德伦理、生活方式甚至是物质环境的解体和崩溃而来的故乡观念的内爆,主角几乎不能理解这种变化,更遑论恢复它们的联系。随着旧日共产主义理想的衰落和全球化资本主义的来势汹汹,贾樟柯三部曲里的故乡处于不断变化的状态中。正如李陀指出的,尽管在他的电影中,故乡生活的再现“是稳定的,某种意义上甚至是停滞的,又是正在现代化过程里被瓦解和破坏的,可是……贾樟柯在这停滞和瓦解里发现了某种诗意”。从另外一个角度来说,汾阳是中国社会变化的一个剪影,是本体论意义上的故乡。
Jia Zhangke's 'Hometown Trilogy' 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书