Edwin LeFèvre was trained as a mining engineer, but became a journalist at age nineteen. He began writing about Wall Street in 1897, and produced eight books, including The Making of a Stockbroker, during his fifty-three-year writing career.
He worked for the New York Sun, served as financial editor of Harper's Weekly, and wrote for the Saturday Evening Post.
He was appointed an Ambassador of the United States by President Howard Taft in 1909, serving in posts in a number of countries, including Italy, France, and Spain. At the end of his diplomatic career in 1913, Lefévre returned to his home in Vermont where he resumed his literary work, writing novels and contributing short stories for magazines such as The Saturday Evening Post and McClure's.
He was a celebrated finance author made most famous by his publication of the fictionalized story of Jesse Livermore, which first appeared in the Saturday Evening Post in 1922.
Reminiscences of a Stock Operator (A Marketplace Book) 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
1、不要因为股价过高而不能买入,也不要因为股价过低而不能卖出。 2、如果你选择对了,但忽视了时间之锁也不能赚到钱(买早了,卖晚了),但是买晚了,卖早了同样赚不到钱,这就需要提前预期,然后等待。 3、牛市中的操作策略就是买入并持有。 4、在股票横盘期间不要买入,因为...
评分内容:★★★★★ 翻译:★★★★☆ 排印:★★★☆☆ 装帧:★★★☆☆ 《股票作手回忆录》,是一本被全球投机交易者广泛关注的必读书籍。自从传出“金牌译者”丁圣元要翻译这本书的消息后,这个译本又成为中文圈交易者关注中的关注。 在本书以出版的消息得到确认后,收到了一...
评分事先声明:本访谈完全子虚乌有,其中的对话只是码哥多年游走江湖跟一些当下高手聊天的点滴积累,有拼凑有整理,其中抽取了许多有益的营养,这些营养曾经也让码哥感悟很多,如今我愿拿出来跟大家一起分享,如有转载请一定注明12码的出处。 作手访谈录1:卖出的学问 作手介绍:老...
评分内容:★★★★★ 翻译:★★★★☆ 排印:★★★☆☆ 装帧:★★★☆☆ 《股票作手回忆录》,是一本被全球投机交易者广泛关注的必读书籍。自从传出“金牌译者”丁圣元要翻译这本书的消息后,这个译本又成为中文圈交易者关注中的关注。 在本书以出版的消息得到确认后,收到了一...
评分刚入市那会看过一遍,除了觉得新奇,没啥感受。5年后回头看,感慨颇多。 股市这么多年来任凭各种五花八门的金融产品、理论的诞生,都摆脱不了人性两个字背后体现的博弈属性,因此一百多年前的美国股民和当今的中国股民从实质上并无大区别。 作为散户,需要牢记的就是这么几条:...
图书标签: 金融 投资理财 投资 Livermore 金融史 股票 经济 管理
Chronicles the experiences of an American stock-market trader from his first job as a quotation boy in a Boston brokerage firm to his influential position on Wall Street in the 1920s. The author provides his observations about the markets and the minds and motivations of a typical trader. This gift edition celebrates the 75th anniversary of the book's original publication and is limited to 5000 copies.
经验之谈 醍醐灌顶 ^ ^
评分如今这个时间读Jesse Livermore的回忆录别有一番意味——没准他会因“恶意做空”而被... :-) 全书以讲故事的方式分享了这位传奇操盘手的交易心得,无关技术、浅涉策略(因为这些都可能随市场进步而变化),更多是关于思维方式的忠告。正如索罗斯所说:数学不能控制金融,人性才是控制市场的关键。或许这就是为何豆瓣上金融圈的友邻无一例外都有大量阅读心理分析书籍的原因吧?PS:推荐另可参考本书的Peter Lynch点评版,其中一些大佬的评论也相当精彩。
评分经验之谈 醍醐灌顶 ^ ^
Reminiscences of a Stock Operator (A Marketplace Book) 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书