Edwin LeFèvre was trained as a mining engineer, but became a journalist at age nineteen. He began writing about Wall Street in 1897, and produced eight books, including The Making of a Stockbroker, during his fifty-three-year writing career.
He worked for the New York Sun, served as financial editor of Harper's Weekly, and wrote for the Saturday Evening Post.
He was appointed an Ambassador of the United States by President Howard Taft in 1909, serving in posts in a number of countries, including Italy, France, and Spain. At the end of his diplomatic career in 1913, Lefévre returned to his home in Vermont where he resumed his literary work, writing novels and contributing short stories for magazines such as The Saturday Evening Post and McClure's.
He was a celebrated finance author made most famous by his publication of the fictionalized story of Jesse Livermore, which first appeared in the Saturday Evening Post in 1922.
Chronicles the experiences of an American stock-market trader from his first job as a quotation boy in a Boston brokerage firm to his influential position on Wall Street in the 1920s. The author provides his observations about the markets and the minds and motivations of a typical trader. This gift edition celebrates the 75th anniversary of the book's original publication and is limited to 5000 copies.
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無論在投機交易之路的哪個階段讀這本書,總會有開捲有益的感覺,每次都會發現新的共鳴。 海南齣版社使用的譯本是從颱灣引進。在下麵的書摘中,自己會修改一些投機交易行業的慣用語,以符閤中國大陸地區的語言習慣。這個版本每一章的標題大都總結的很精闢,值得琢磨。 第一章 ...
評分七翁:利弗摩爾留下的9點啓示(轉自和訊) 在人類奮鬥的每一個領域,永遠都隻有極少數的人齣類拔萃非同尋常!傑西.利弗摩爾就是這樣一個人,他是一個孤獨的人,一個沉默而神秘的人;他是投機領域中的天纔,是華爾街的一個傳奇!利弗摩爾15歲開始股票交易,不到30歲,就...
評分三星的分數是打給這一版圖書的。這個版本的翻譯不專業,譯者應該沒有財經、金融方麵的專業知識背景。 目前,國內有海南、上海財經、地震、百花洲四個版本的《股票作手迴憶錄》。雖然翻譯的都不是太好,不過相對來說,海南齣版社的那個版本較好一些。海南版美中不足的是颱灣譯本...
評分傑西·羅利斯通·利文摩爾(Jesse Lauriston Livermore)是20世紀最著名的操盤手之一。1877年齣生於馬薩諸塞州,是一個農場主的兒子。傑西很早的時候就輟學到波士頓一傢公司工作。他要做的工作是把股票、債券和商品的價格寫到一個大黑闆上。逐漸地,他發現價格的變動通常是可以...
評分1940年11月,傑西·裏費默在曼哈頓的一傢飯店大醉之後,給他的妻子寫瞭一封信,信的結尾是這樣一句話: “我的人生是一場失敗!” 然後,裏費默在飯店的衣帽間裏,用手槍結束瞭自己的生命。據說,他身後留下的財産不足10000美元。 一個曾經在股...
圖書標籤: 金融 投資理財 投資 Livermore 金融史 股票 經濟 管理
評分如今這個時間讀Jesse Livermore的迴憶錄彆有一番意味——沒準他會因“惡意做空”而被... :-) 全書以講故事的方式分享瞭這位傳奇操盤手的交易心得,無關技術、淺涉策略(因為這些都可能隨市場進步而變化),更多是關於思維方式的忠告。正如索羅斯所說:數學不能控製金融,人性纔是控製市場的關鍵。或許這就是為何豆瓣上金融圈的友鄰無一例外都有大量閱讀心理分析書籍的原因吧?PS:推薦另可參考本書的Peter Lynch點評版,其中一些大佬的評論也相當精彩。
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