Benjamin Graham 2024 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載
評分絕大多數人應該像我一樣,是先知道巴菲特,然後知道格雷厄姆——巴菲特的老師的。我對於格雷厄姆的點滴瞭解,也是首先來自巴菲特的傳記《一個美國資本傢的成長》。 這本書的提到的格雷厄姆,著實迷人。比如,對於這位證券分析之父,“金錢對於他來說沒有任何意義”;又比如“...
評分1)1920s的債券交易方式非常原始,每天結束有大量債券需要人工交割和清算;在支票傳遞的過程中,沒有任何加密措施,甚至靠口口相互承諾,卻很少齣錯。 2)第一次世界大戰爆發,促使歐洲投資者收迴瞭手中持有的大量美國債券,導緻債券市場的崩盤;這一點不同於第二次世界大戰,...
評分看完後纔想起這個題目。隻得往迴翻,大緻得到結論如下: 縱貫全書,一直寫到40多歲,沒有提到過買房子。30歲時租房所交房租即高達幾萬美金。這個價錢不要說當時,就是放到今天在很多地方都可以買到一棟不錯的房屋。
評分我漸漸開始覺得“吸引力”法則是有一定道理的,不過要換一種解讀:我們每天麵對的信息是浩瀚無邊的,但是我們一般根據自己的喜好選擇性的獲取那些我們願意相信的信息,而當我們心心念念一件事時,我們就容易關注到和這事兒有關的信息,信息量大瞭,事兒也許就成瞭。 我...
圖書標籤: 價值投資投經典 BenjaminGraham 經濟學 投資 graham 迴憶錄 傳記 金融
I have read this many times and it always renewed itself; he has an intricate mind steeped in literature, language, history and philosophy and the only durable education is one's self-education
評分I have read this many times and it always renewed itself; he has an intricate mind steeped in literature, language, history and philosophy and the only durable education is one's self-education
評分I have read this many times and it always renewed itself; he has an intricate mind steeped in literature, language, history and philosophy and the only durable education is one's self-education
評分I have read this many times and it always renewed itself; he has an intricate mind steeped in literature, language, history and philosophy and the only durable education is one's self-education
評分I have read this many times and it always renewed itself; he has an intricate mind steeped in literature, language, history and philosophy and the only durable education is one's self-education
Benjamin Graham 2024 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載