Benjamin Graham 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載
格雷厄姆作為巴菲特的老師,被稱為是投資界鼻祖是當之無愧的,但是對於他是怎麼樣一步步成就倒是很少有涉及,這本由作者自己捉刀的迴憶錄很大程度上彌補瞭這個空白。 迴憶錄是傳記中的難得精品,不像傳記那樣追求的是旁觀者的角度對於細節精確性和完整性的追求,迴憶錄更多的是...
評分因為在看《證券分析》,順便讀瞭《證券分析》的作者本傑明格雷厄姆的自傳。 從成長經曆來看,格雷厄姆齣生在一個比較富裕的傢庭,但是父親在起10歲時去世後,傢境就比較窘迫瞭,從此格雷厄姆的生活一大部分都在打工中度過。 在教育方麵,影響格雷厄姆的主要有兩個方麵一個是母...
評分格雷厄姆作為巴菲特的老師,被稱為是投資界鼻祖是當之無愧的,但是對於他是怎麼樣一步步成就倒是很少有涉及,這本由作者自己捉刀的迴憶錄很大程度上彌補瞭這個空白。 迴憶錄是傳記中的難得精品,不像傳記那樣追求的是旁觀者的角度對於細節精確性和完整性的追求,迴憶錄更多的是...
評分讀完全書,沒什麼特彆的印象。雖然格雷厄姆還特彆批評夏多布裏昂在自己傳記中的不誠實,但事實上他本人纔是最不誠實的。除瞭有選擇的細節和成長的經曆,格雷厄姆筆下的格雷厄姆甚至還不如滾雪球裏麵的老格來得有趣和令人嚮往。 之所以這麼迫切地讀這本書,除瞭老格...
圖書標籤: 價值投資投經典 BenjaminGraham 經濟學 投資 graham 迴憶錄 傳記 金融
I have read this many times and it always renewed itself; he has an intricate mind steeped in literature, language, history and philosophy and the only durable education is one's self-education
評分I have read this many times and it always renewed itself; he has an intricate mind steeped in literature, language, history and philosophy and the only durable education is one's self-education
評分I have read this many times and it always renewed itself; he has an intricate mind steeped in literature, language, history and philosophy and the only durable education is one's self-education
評分I have read this many times and it always renewed itself; he has an intricate mind steeped in literature, language, history and philosophy and the only durable education is one's self-education
評分I have read this many times and it always renewed itself; he has an intricate mind steeped in literature, language, history and philosophy and the only durable education is one's self-education
Benjamin Graham 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載