拉塞爾•雅各比(Russell Jacoby) 加州大學洛杉磯分校的曆史學教授。著作涉及曆史、政治和文化批評,包括《最後的知識分子:學院時代的美國文化》(The Last Intellectuals: Amercian Culture in the Age of Academe)、《社會健忘癥:對墨守成規的心理學之批判》(Social Amnesia: A Critique of Conformist Psychology)以及《不完美的圖像:論反烏托邦時代的烏托邦思想》(Picture Imperfect: Utopian Thought for an Anti-Utopian Age)等。
姚建彬 1972年齣生。中國人民大學文學博士。北京師範大學副教授;現在英國劍橋大學做為期一年的訪問學者。研究興趣涉及烏托邦文學及西方烏托邦思想史、中西比較文學、西方馬剋思主義文藝美學。
Amazon.co.uk Review
The near-total triumph of free market capitalism around the world has put a damper on utopian visions, leading many politicians and activists to believe that radical change is impossible, that at best one can hope for slight modifications of the status quo. For Russell Jacoby, this attitude is not so much the result of practicality as it is the product of exhaustion and he argues that, as a society, we can do much better. The End of Utopia is an uncompromising look at the intellectual caliber of late 20th-century liberal and leftist politics, particularly within the academy. He portrays the class of professional intellectuals as insiders adopting the pose of marginality and lambasts the current practicioners of "cultural studies" in particular for their tendency toward banal "analysis" of mass culture in tortured, jargon-laced prose. (In contrast, he holds up Dwight MacDonald, Theodor Adorno and Matthew Arnold as writers who could address mass culture in plain language yet with deep, critical intelligence.) And he proposes that multiculturalism may be little more than a last ditch attempt at differentiation within the one, dominant culture. "What is to be done?" he asks after cataloguing this state of affairs. "The question, routinely addressed to all critics, insists on a practicality inimical to utopianism. Nothing is to be done. Yet that does not mean nothing is to be thought or imagined or dreamed." The End of Utopia shows to what extent the dreams have been abandoned, with the means of rekindling them yet within grasp. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
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評分一種奇怪的誤解迷住瞭工人階級,這種誤解就是對勞動的熱愛,即對於勞動的狂熱激情。工人階級不應該把勞動當宗教,而應該要求“懶惰的權利”(the Rights of Laziness),比如,將勞動限製在3小時(嗬嗬,在托馬斯•莫爾那裏還是每天6小時呢),白天其他的時間都用來休閑和饗...
評分This is the first book I read that has so many terms of "-ism". For readers who do not major in social sciences and humanities and are confused by enduring debates over these -isms, this book serves as a good introduction to the nuanced distinctions among ...
評分 評分圖書標籤: History 英文版 社會學 揚基 utopia society C
One of the most sophisticated minds, sensitive to nuanced distinctions among -isms and their respective transformations along history. Comprehensive references. pp11,15,17,18,36,41,42,43,44,46,47,48,53,57,66,68,69
評分One of the most sophisticated minds, sensitive to nuanced distinctions among -isms and their respective transformations along history. Comprehensive references. pp11,15,17,18,36,41,42,43,44,46,47,48,53,57,66,68,69
評分One of the most sophisticated minds, sensitive to nuanced distinctions among -isms and their respective transformations along history. Comprehensive references. pp11,15,17,18,36,41,42,43,44,46,47,48,53,57,66,68,69
評分One of the most sophisticated minds, sensitive to nuanced distinctions among -isms and their respective transformations along history. Comprehensive references. pp11,15,17,18,36,41,42,43,44,46,47,48,53,57,66,68,69
評分One of the most sophisticated minds, sensitive to nuanced distinctions among -isms and their respective transformations along history. Comprehensive references. pp11,15,17,18,36,41,42,43,44,46,47,48,53,57,66,68,69
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