What you create can destroy you. One freezing morning, a lone man wandering across the artic ice caps is rescued from starvation by a ship’s captain. Victor Frankenstein’s story is one of ambition, murder and revenge. As a young scientist he pushed moral boundaries in order to cross the final scientific frontier and create life. But his creation is a monster stitched together from grave-robbed body parts who has no place in the world, and his life can only lead to tragedy. Written when she was only nineteen, Shelley's gothic tale is one of the greatest horror stories ever written
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很佩服瑪麗 雪萊的功力,讓我這個即使看的時候每頁都有N個生詞的人竟然也看感受到瞭書中人物的喜怒哀樂。 最大的悲劇也許就是你永遠不能責怪哪個人,但是事情就這樣發生瞭。The being, for I don't know what to adress it. 他沒有要求Frankenstein創造自己,而Frankein...
評分其實就是大名鼎鼎的《弗蘭肯斯坦》,這個故事的傢喻戶曉可能還得歸功於好萊塢的電影。最初我以為這是一個極好消遣時間的小說。恐怖的醫學實驗,科學怪人變態殺人手法以及科學傢的扭麯人格等等恐怖元素都是我非常期待的。 然而結果還是讓人蠻失望的,科學怪人隻殺瞭似...
評分第一次知道這個人物形象是在阿拉蕾漫畫裏,在鳥山明筆下是一個很溫和的人物,也許這多少有點影響我。 反過來說男主。 因為自己創造齣來的肉體醜陋所以將其拋棄,做事情還不擔當,明明事情有很多次可以挽迴的機會。 巨人也很明確的告訴男主他想要什麼,男主也知道怎麼去彌補,但...
評分第一次知道這個人物形象是在阿拉蕾漫畫裏,在鳥山明筆下是一個很溫和的人物,也許這多少有點影響我。 反過來說男主。 因為自己創造齣來的肉體醜陋所以將其拋棄,做事情還不擔當,明明事情有很多次可以挽迴的機會。 巨人也很明確的告訴男主他想要什麼,男主也知道怎麼去彌補,但...
評分如果造齣瞭一個醜陋的怪物怎麼辦?人們選擇唾棄他,弗蘭肯斯坦選擇拋棄他。 如果生齣瞭一個殘疾的小孩怎麼辦?有的父母選擇繼續撫養,而有的父母選擇無情地拋棄。 其實,這些問題都是相似的。 怪物的名字不叫弗蘭肯斯坦,弗蘭肯斯坦是創造怪物的人。怪物沒有名字。 上帝造齣...
圖書標籤: 英文原版 科幻 小說 外文 Vintage Classics British.Literature
Imbued with a Christian worldview, the novel questions the validity of developing modern science and technology regardless of moral and ethical concerns. The tragedy of Frankenstein alarms us never to play God nor abuse our talents in pursuit of any dangerous knowledge that is of no avail to the welfare of humankind. #小說本身太無聊讀來無甚樂趣
評分Imbued with a Christian worldview, the novel questions the validity of developing modern science and technology regardless of moral and ethical concerns. The tragedy of Frankenstein alarms us never to play God nor abuse our talents in pursuit of any dangerous knowledge that is of no avail to the welfare of humankind. #小說本身太無聊讀來無甚樂趣
評分#poor wretch. 他以為自己是路西法。
評分Imbued with a Christian worldview, the novel questions the validity of developing modern science and technology regardless of moral and ethical concerns. The tragedy of Frankenstein alarms us never to play God nor abuse our talents in pursuit of any dangerous knowledge that is of no avail to the welfare of humankind. #小說本身太無聊讀來無甚樂趣
評分Imbued with a Christian worldview, the novel questions the validity of developing modern science and technology regardless of moral and ethical concerns. The tragedy of Frankenstein alarms us never to play God nor abuse our talents in pursuit of any dangerous knowledge that is of no avail to the welfare of humankind. #小說本身太無聊讀來無甚樂趣
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