乔‧卡巴金博士(Jon Kabat-Zinn, Ph.D.)
1979年,卡巴金博士为麻州大学医学院开设减压诊所,并设计了“正念减压”课程(Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction,MBSR),协助病人以正念禅修处理压力、疼痛和疾病,获得多方肯定。
卡巴金博士对灵性疗愈的贡献良多,获奖无数,他亦为精神与生命研究所(Mind and Life Institute)的董事,协助推动佛教界领袖与西方科学家的对话与交流,以期更深刻探索人类的心智、情绪与疾病。
Wherever You Go, There You Are 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
我最早较为密集的正念相关的练习,是五年前在国内某内观禅修中心的“十日内观课程”。(细究起来,内观和正念会有些微差异。但就培养觉察、观照的这个点来说,个人认为一致性很高。相关课程细节附在了文末) 就我所知,好多人一开始接触正念,多半是抱着求医寻药的心。我最早与...
评分 评分之前,看过《正见》一书,现在又读了《正念》,虽说二者写法有所不同,但前者侧重四法印的活泼解读,后者侧重诠释正念的各个面向,给人以丰富饱满的智慧心。
评分身在,心在(Wherever You Go,There You Are) 野兽爱智慧 同一本书,同一译者,但内文有稍许不同。内地版少了台湾版的两篇推荐序:蔡昌雄的“身心安顿的禅修之道”和郑振煌的“正念贯彻修行的始终”。而自鼐法师及译者雷叔云的序也改了名字,“听月”(自鼐法师)变成了“...
Amazon.com In his follow-up to Full Catastrophe Living--a book in which he presented basic meditation techniques as a way of reducing stress and healing from illness--here Jon Kabat-Zinn goes much more deeply into the practice of meditation for its own sake. To Kabat-Zinn, meditation is important because it brings about a state of "mindfulness," a condition of "being" rather than "doing" during which you pay attention to the moment rather than the past, the future, or the multitudinous distractions of modern life. In brief, rather poetic chapters, he describes different meditative practices and what they can do for the practitioner. The idea that meditation is "spiritual" is often confusing to people, Kabat-Zinn writes; he prefers to think of it as what you might call a workout for your consciousness. This book makes learning meditation remarkably easy (although practicing it is not). But it also makes it seem infinitely appealing. --Ben Kallen From Publishers Weekly Kabat-Zinn's book outlines the Buddhist technique of "mindfulness": a method of living fully in the moment without judgment. Copyright 1995 Reed Business Information, Inc. See all Editorial Reviews
Wherever You Go, There You Are 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书