凯斯•R.桑斯坦,现为美国哈佛大学法学院教授,奥巴马竞选团队的法律事务顾问,美国艺术与科学院院士,美国律师协会分权与政府组织委员会副主席,美国法学院联合会行政法分会主席。桑斯坦还是《新共和》(New Republic)和《美国前景》(American Prospect)的社论撰稿人,也经常是《纽约时报》和《华盛顿邮报》这类出版物的撰稿人。他的许多著作已经被译为中文,包括:《权利的成本——为什么自由依赖于税》(与斯蒂芬•霍尔姆斯合著,毕竞悦译,北京大学出版社,2004年),《偏颇的宪法》(宋华琳、毕竞悦译,北京大学出版社,2005年),《网络共和国》(黄维明译,上海人民出版社,2003年),《就事论事》(泮伟江译,北京大学出版社,2007年),《行为法律经济学》(成凡等译,北京大学出版社,2006年),《设计民主》(金朝武译,法律出版社,2006年)等。
Infotopia 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
“三个臭皮匠,抵得上一个诸葛亮。”众人的智慧,就一定胜过个人的智慧吗?东吴的孙权帐下,高人策士满堂,哪个比臭皮匠差?诸葛亮孤身一人,却舌战群儒,以三寸不烂之舌,说得东吴联刘抗曹。这是怎么回事? 假如孙权有三个信息来源,一是3000包括臭皮匠在内的普通人的集体选...
评分读这本书的时候总有一种感觉就是,“这里的理论我都早就想过啊!” 不过自己跟这位世界顶尖社会学家、法学家的区别就在于,人家会动脑并花费时间把自己的各种思绪整理成一个理论体系,上升到哲学高度,而我只会任由思想引领着我,上天入地,胡思乱想,尽管想的是关于社会与政治...
评分根据历史学家对档案的挖掘呢,我们现在发现原来在二次世界大战的时候,日本跟德国一开始呢,敢于跟盟国作战,他们其中一个理由是建基于一种对美国这些国家的判断。 那个判断是什么呢?就认为像美国这种国家,搞民主,对不对?民选总统,民选议员,议员要牵制总统,总统受制于...
图书标签: Information 互联网 英文原版 Infotopia Information_Scoiety 美国 新传考研 制度
The rise of the "information society" offers not only considerable peril but also great promise. Beset from all sides by a never-ending barrage of media, how can we ensure that the most accurate information emerges and is heeded? In this book, Cass R. Sunstein develops a deeply optimistic understanding of the human potential to pool information, and to use that knowledge to improve our lives.
In an age of information overload, it is easy to fall back on our own prejudices and insulate ourselves with comforting opinions that reaffirm our core beliefs. Crowds quickly become mobs. The justification for the Iraq war, the collapse of Enron, the explosion of the space shuttle Columbia--all of these resulted from decisions made by leaders and groups trapped in "information cocoons," shielded from information at odds with their preconceptions. How can leaders and ordinary people challenge insular decision making and gain access to the sum of human knowledge?
Stunning new ways to share and aggregate information, many Internet-based, are helping companies, schools, governments, and individuals not only to acquire, but also to create, ever-growing bodies of accurate knowledge. Through a ceaseless flurry of self-correcting exchanges, wikis, covering everything from politics and business plans to sports and science fiction subcultures, amass--and refine--information. Open-source software enables large numbers of people to participate in technological development. Prediction markets aggregate information in a way that allows companies, ranging from computer manufacturers to Hollywood studios, to make better decisions about product launches and office openings. Sunstein shows how people can assimilate aggregated information without succumbing to the dangers of the herd mentality--and when and why the new aggregation techniques are so astoundingly accurate.
In a world where opinion and anecdote increasingly compete on equal footing with hard evidence, the on-line effort of many minds coming together might well provide the best path to infotopia.
Infotopia 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书