Symposium 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
一、世间绘:《会饮》的形式及其取向 这篇文章要呈现的是一些思想,复数的“思想”[1]。 我们得从《会饮》(Symposium)的背景谈起。悲剧诗人阿伽通得了大奖在家宴客,邀请了包括苏格拉底[2]在内的众多人士,大家围坐在一起侃侃而谈。觥筹交错间,大家都想找点事情来消遣,而不...
评分在古希腊世界,城邦和哲学始终处于一种张力之中,苏格拉底一生的经历就是这种张力的集中体现。雅典民主政治审判并处死苏格拉底的理由在于他的两大罪状:第一,不信城邦的神并引进新神;第二,败坏青年。而“败坏青年”之罪,很可能是导致苏格拉底最终被判死刑的实质性原因。 关...
评分 评分爱欲的起源 ----对柏拉图《会饮》中阿里斯托芬讲辞的分析 在柏拉图的《会饮》里,阿里斯托芬向他的朋友们讲述了一个关于人的爱欲如何而来的故事。起初人有三种性别,男、女以及男女两性的混合体。每一种人都长成圆圆的球形,有双倍于现在的人的身体器官:两张长在...
图书标签: 哲学 Plato 古希腊 英文原版 柏拉图 外国文学 Philosophy 男性
An all-male dinner party in Athens in 416 BC, with plentiful wine and attentive serving-girls, seems an unlikely setting for one of the world's greatest treatises on the nature of love. Yet in the Symposium Plato presents a series of witty, erudite and immensely readable speeches on love, in a setting which would be very familiar to the Athenians of the day. Students of classical Greek will delight in Robin Waterfield's fluent yet comfortable translation. His emphasis on accessibility rather than over-literalism has produced a translation sparkling with wit and ideas, which classicists and non-classicists alike will enjoy reading. Waterfield's fascinating introduction to the text provides valuable background to the sexual mores of the time and the social culture of classical Greece. He also examines each speech in detail, elucidating some of the more oblique points of the text to enable the reader to tackle it with confidence. The Greek playwright Agathon has walked off with the laurels at a recent competition, and is celebrating his victory with a select dinner party, or symposium. As he and his guests take their places, they decide to hold back on the amount of wine they consume and talk about love. The guests at the symposium are a mixed bunch of characters, who deliver their speeches in various styles and with different reactions from their appreciative listeners. Agathon's fellow playwright, the comic master Aristophanes, is there, as is Erxymachus, a doctor, and of course Socrates himself, brilliant philosopher and Plato's mentor. The conversation ranges from a declaration of the importance of homoerotic love to Socrates's account of his discussions with the prophetess Diotima, who claimed that we can only achieve true goodness through love. Into this scene of convivial discussion bursts Alcibiades, ex-lover of Socrates, military genius and famous bon viveur with a scandalous reputation. Thrusting himself between Socrates and his latest lover, Agathon, Alcibiades insists on joining in with the discussion but soon digresses and talks about his own love for Socrates. Although some critics have found the gate-crashing Alcibiades's speech sits awkwardly on such profound metaphysical discussion, it reminds the reader of the physical reality of love, while making several pointed references back to earlier speeches. As Waterfield says at the beginning of his introduction, the Symposium should be read at a sitting and re-visited for further enjoyment and insight. Layer after layer of meaning becomes revealed, and this slender dialogue proves to be a box of ever-increasing delights. (Kirkus UK)
评分god is btw mortal and immortal. he converts prays n gifts n wishes to both the sides.
评分negelected eros; two representations of a contemplative Socrates; the tale of Diotima's lessons and cross-examination; set after Phaedrus
Symposium 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书