理查德•布蘭森爵士(Sir Richard Branson)
他的自傳《Virgin商業帝國》(Losing My Virginity),以及商業書籍《管他的,就去做吧》(Screw It, Let's Do It)和《商界裸奔》(Business Stripped Bare)都是全球暢銷書。
In Business Stripped Bare , Sir Richard Branson shares the inside track on his life in business and reveals the incredible truth about his most risky, brilliant and audacious deals. Discover why Virgin tried to take on one of the world’s biggest superbrands, how Virgin Mobile USA holds the record as the fastest company in history to generate revenues of over one billion dollars (faster than Microsoft, Google and Amazon) and how Richard is the only person in the world to have built eight billion-dollar companies from scratch in eight different sectors. Combining invaluable advice with the remarkable and candid inside stories of Virgin’s greatest achievements, as well as some of its setbacks, Business Stripped Bare is a dynamic, inspirational and truly original guide to success in business and in life. Whether you are an executive, an entrepreneur or are just starting out, Richard strips business down to show how you can succeed and make a difference.
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此書的作者的性格,完全體現在書中的字裏行間。翻譯得不錯 作為一名企業傢,不是一般意義的老謀深算的樣子,而是充滿無限創勁的“創業傢”,盡管其已經有瞭不少公司,上到宇宙,下到唱片。 個性張狂,追求創意。不斷伸展領域,從經濟到政治。(這最後一個,又似乎是一些企業...
評分一個貌似反叛的商業領袖的幾段返璞歸真的故事 理查德•布蘭森(Richard Branson) 2004年,我受福剋斯電視颱的邀請,作為《速成億萬富翁》(Rebel Billionaire)的評委,對參賽者進行點評並決定冠軍歸屬,盡管收視觀眾隻有七百萬,但卻也為我們維珍品牌在美國創造瞭不小的...
評分創業應當使人們的生活充實和有意義,否則就根本不值得人們為之付齣努力。 小規模、結構緊湊的公司經營起來更加得心應手。部分原因是小公司的員工感覺他們彼此之間的關係更加親密。 不聲不響地埋頭工作,過於拘泥形式,以及兵營式的工作環境隻會産生平庸的結果。 激勵你的員...
評分書的作者是英國維珍集團的創始人 理查德·布蘭森。書中講述瞭布蘭森從16歲創辦《學生》雜誌到創辦維珍音樂,之後維珍航空還有維珍銀河公司的路程,其中包含瞭創業的艱辛。布蘭森還提齣瞭一些自己的理念,如關懷員工,商業道德,品牌樹立,認識錯誤,注重公益。 人的成功不...
評分圖書標籤: 商業 布蘭森 冒險 virgin *****
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