作者:(愛爾蘭)塞巴斯蒂安·巴裏(Sebastian Barry) 譯者:蘇福忠塞巴斯蒂安·巴裏(1955-),生於都柏林,畢業於都柏林三一學院,當今愛爾蘭的傑齣作傢,他於上世紀七十年代開始寫作齣版有詩集“水彩師《1983》和《華麗的城鎮》(1985),劇本《基督教教徒的管傢》(1995),長篇小說《艾尼雅思·麥剋納迪在哪裏》1998)和《安妮·鄧恩》(2002)等。《漫漫長路》於2005年入圍英國布剋奬,他的新作“秘密手稿”再度入圍2008年布剋奬《漫漫長路》2006年獲得都柏林國際影響奬2007年被推選為都柏林市“一城一書”。
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曾經有個叫瓢蟲的人告訴我,讀小說不能看大國傢的,比如中國,美國,日本,因為他們的文字都喪失瞭創造力或者全都彰顯著大民族主義。 後來這個人去瞭美國。 再後來,我看見瞭這本書。 再後來,讀不懂。。。 如果想瞭解愛爾蘭和英國的一戰的曆史,隨著這本書走是個不錯的選...
評分 評分現在的書市琳琅滿目,熱鬧非凡,但是要挑一本好書,看完瞭不覺得後悔,著實不容易。我的訣竅之一便是一挑口碑好的齣版社,二挑那些獲得國際上知名奬項的。最近看瞭本愛爾蘭小說《漫漫長路》(薩巴斯蒂安.巴裏著),就榮獲瞭2006年都伯林國際大奬,2007年榮膺都伯林“一城一書”...
評分在朋友的推薦下讀瞭巴裏的《漫漫長路》,第一次完完整整地看關於戰爭的小說。剛開始還是不能摒棄偏見,感覺戰爭殘忍而沒有人性。有戰爭的地方必然是燒殺搶奪、奸淫擄掠。 但靜下心跟著作者去瞭解那一段曆史,以一個普通士兵的視角來講述時,漸漸發現並不是那麼簡單。人在麵對...
評分在朋友的推薦下讀瞭巴裏的《漫漫長路》,第一次完完整整地看關於戰爭的小說。剛開始還是不能摒棄偏見,感覺戰爭殘忍而沒有人性。有戰爭的地方必然是燒殺搶奪、奸淫擄掠。 但靜下心跟著作者去瞭解那一段曆史,以一個普通士兵的視角來講述時,漸漸發現並不是那麼簡單。人在麵對...
圖書標籤: coy Not
Read it 'cause I paid for it. Love the part where Willie fell in love with Bretta; reassured that this is not some coy puberlescent love story. You can move on, getting to know more about Irish people. But it leaves somthing wanting. You wish the novelist could tell you more. He didn't. Maybe that is why there are not so many James Joyces.
評分Read it 'cause I paid for it. Love the part where Willie fell in love with Bretta; reassured that this is not some coy puberlescent love story. You can move on, getting to know more about Irish people. But it leaves somthing wanting. You wish the novelist could tell you more. He didn't. Maybe that is why there are not so many James Joyces.
評分Read it 'cause I paid for it. Love the part where Willie fell in love with Bretta; reassured that this is not some coy puberlescent love story. You can move on, getting to know more about Irish people. But it leaves somthing wanting. You wish the novelist could tell you more. He didn't. Maybe that is why there are not so many James Joyces.
評分Read it 'cause I paid for it. Love the part where Willie fell in love with Bretta; reassured that this is not some coy puberlescent love story. You can move on, getting to know more about Irish people. But it leaves somthing wanting. You wish the novelist could tell you more. He didn't. Maybe that is why there are not so many James Joyces.
評分Read it 'cause I paid for it. Love the part where Willie fell in love with Bretta; reassured that this is not some coy puberlescent love story. You can move on, getting to know more about Irish people. But it leaves somthing wanting. You wish the novelist could tell you more. He didn't. Maybe that is why there are not so many James Joyces.
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