Metaphysics 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书
一、经验只知道特殊,技术才造成普遍。 有技术的人知道原因,有经验的人却不知道。 知与不知的标志是能否传授。 技术>经验>感觉。 智慧是关于某些本源和原因的科学。 2、所以,在某种意义上,一切爱智慧的人也就是爱奥秘的人,奥秘由惊奇构成。 非实用论,为知而求取知识...
评分 评分 评分之前不自量力的尝试过海德格尔的存在与时间和加缪的西西弗神话,但是读之宛如根基不稳之人误入灵鹫宫密洞,高深武学在前却无从学起甚至走火入魔。所以还是需要从古希腊哲学开始逐步深入。形而上学相比近代的哲学家的理论而言,对哲学初心者稍微友善,没有那么多纯理论层面的探...
Metaphysics is Aristotle's version of philosophy examining the nature of reality, including the relationship between mind and matter, substance and attribute, fact and value. Aristotle argues that there are a handful of universal truths. Aristotle's works have influenced science, religion, and philosophy for nearly two thousand years. He could be thought of as the father of logical thought. Aristotle wrote: "There is nothing in the intellect that was not first in the senses." He wrote that everything that is learned in life is learned through sensory perception. Aristotle was the first to establish the founding principle of logic. The great writer Dante called Aristotle "The Master of those who know."
Metaphysics 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书