Teaching Children to Read 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
For a number of years we have been experimenting with content, ma-
terials, and activities for preparing teachers to teach reading in elemen-
tary schools. The content, materials, and activities that have been
evaluated by the students in their reading-methods classes as being most
helpful, most interesting, and most inspirational are included in this
book. Each of the 14 chapters in the book focuses on an aspect of
teaching children to read that we feel is important for elementary school
teachers to study; taken as a whole, the book may be used as a complete
initial course of study for preparing classroom teachers to teach reading.
The chapters are presented in a sequence that we have followed
with our students, and there are references in some chapters to informa-
tion in other chapters. However, the chapters may be studied in any
order preferred by professors and their students, without interfering
with the comprehensibility of the book.
Each chapter contains two unique features. The first is the "Sug-
gested Activities for the Methods Class" section. In a sense these ac-
tivities might be thought of as "laboratory" exercises. Most of them are
designed to give teachers the kinds of learning experiences that they
are advised to provide for their own students. Professors and their stu-
dents may engage in all, some, or none of these activities. We have used
all of the activities with students in methods classes or in workshops
with experienced teachers, and the exercises have been revised accord-
ing to the users suggestions."
The second unique feature is the "Teaching Suggestions" section.
The suggestions are specific enough to give teachers, especially begin-
ning teachers, the direction they need. They have proved especially
helpful to prospective teachers who have a student-teaching assignment
either as part of their reading-methods course or shortly thereafter.
Teaching Children to Read 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书