~Vhat do you do when you usually<br >:ook for one or two and you love<br >he speed and convenience ~f a<br >nicrowave oven, but all of you~<br >nicrowave cook books contain<br >)nly recipes that make four, six, o~<br >nore servings? The editors of<br >3otter Homes and Gardens have a<br >;olution to this difficult problem--<br >~icrowave recipes that make one<br >)r two servings.<br > To get you started on micro-<br >;ooking in small quantities, this<br >~rst section, All About Microwave<br >3eoking, explains the basics. It<br >iells what variable power means<br >and which utensils you can use for<br >~liero-cooking. in addition, it gives<br >tou three special charts---Reheat-<br >ing Foods ~for One or Two, De-<br >frosting Foods for One or Two,<br >and Microwave Tips.<br > tn the three chapters that follow<br >you ll.find delicious ideas and spe-<br >cific instructions for many micro-<br >cooked foods for one or two. The<br >first chapter contains 49 special<br >r~cipee that give quantities and<br >cooking times for both one and<br >two servings;In,the Second chap-<br >ter you ll find recipesthat help you<br >tom *he smallest common unit ot<br >food you can ,buy into +several dif-<br >ferent and ~xoiting recipes. And<br >the 4bird chapter contains micro-<br >wave versions of favorite one.disl"<br >meals~for one or two,<br >
Better Homes and Gardens Microwave Cooking for One or Two 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載
Better Homes and Gardens Microwave Cooking for One or Two 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載