The Florida Experience RFF Press 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
RESOURCES FOR THE FUTURE, INC.<br > 1755 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036<br > Board of Directors: Gilbert F. White, Chairman, Harrison Brown, Roberio<br > de O. Campos, Edward I. Cleary, Joseph L. Fisher, Luther H. Foster,<br > F. Kenneth Hare, Charles J. Hitch, Charles F. Luce, Laurence L Moss, Frank<br > Pace, Jr., Emanuel R. Piore, Stanley H. Ruttenberg, Lauren K. Seth, Janez<br > Stanovnik, Maurice F. Strong, Julia D. Stuart, p. F. Watzek<br > Honorary Directors: Horace M. Albright, Erwin D. Canham, Hugh L, Keenley-<br > side, Edward S. Mason, William S. Paley, John W. Vanderwilt<br > Acting President: Marion Clawson<br > Secretary-Treasurer: John E. Herbert<br > Resources for the Future is a nonprofit corporation for research and educa-<br > tion in the development, conservation, and use of natural resources and the<br > improvement of the quality of the environment. It was established in 1952<br > with the cooperation of the Ford Foundation. Part of the work of Resources<br > for the Future is carried out by its resident staff; part is supported by grants<br > to universities and other nonprofit organizations. Unless otherwise stated, Preface<br > interpretations and conclusions in RFF publications are those of the authors;<br > the organization takes responsibility for the selection of significant subjects<br > for study, the competence of the researchers, and their freedom of inquiry.<br > This book is one of RFF s studies, prepared under the auspices of the quality The genesis of this book cannot be too precisely placed, but it goes back<br > of the environment program, directed by Waiter Spofford. It was edited by<br > Brigitte Weeks. Figures were drawn by Clare and Frank Ford. tO my need about five years ago for a respite from the journalist s task<br > of tracking fleeting events. I wanted a chance to take a more reflective look<br >RFF editors: Mark Reinsberg, Joan R. Tron, Ruth B. Haas, Joann Hinkel at the increasingly frequent conflicts between conservation and economic<br >Copyright ~ 1074 by The Johns Hopkins University Press growth or development. Since 1965, the year I had joined the staff of<br >All rights reserved Science magazine (having given up my job as a Washington correspondent<br >Manufactured in the United States of America for a Southern newspaper~, I had followed the emergence of the environ-<br >Library of Congress Catalog Card Number .~!-68~~e-<br >ISBN 0-8018-1646-7 (clothbound} mental movement as a substantial force in the nation s intellectual and<br >ISBN 6-gO10-1896-S (paperboundl political life. My articles had dealt with a wide range of conflicts between<br >Originally published, 1974 COnservation and development--for instance, over proposed dams in the<br > Grand Canyon, pollution and dredging for oyster shells in Galveston Bay,<br >Johns Hopkins Paperback edition, 1976 Clear-cutting in national forests, nuclear testing on Amchitka Island, and<br >Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication data will be found on the last all development on the Alaskan north slope, I also had followed closely<br >printed page of this book. SOme important attempts at establishing a framework of law and govern-<br > ment for coping with environmental controversies in a more coherent and<br > V PREFACE<br >
The Florida Experience RFF Press 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书