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What Does China Think?


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Mark Leonard is Executive Director of the European Council on Foreign Relations, the first pan-European think tank with offices in Berlin, London, Paris, Rome, Sofia and Warsaw. Previously he worked at the Centre for European Reform and was founding director of the Foreign Policy Centre. He has spent time in Washington as a Transatlantic fellow at the German Marshall Fund of the United States, and in Beijing as a visiting scholar at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. His first book, Why Europe Will run the 21st Century, has been translated into 18 languages. Mark's essays and articles have appeared in publications on both sides of the Atlantic including The Economist, The Guardian, The Financial Times, The Spectator, The Sun, Liberation, Die Welt and the Wall Street Journal.

What Does China Think? pdf epub mobi 圖書描述

'Just in case you thought there was no internal debate about China's future, here is evidence to the contrary.' --- Chris Patten

Very few things that happen in our lifetime will be remembered after we are dead. But China's rise is different: like the rise and fall of Rome or the Soviet Empire, its after-effects will echo down the generations to come.

So why is it that we know almost nothing about the thinkers in China who are shaping their country's future? What kind of country are they dreaming of? How do they see their influence in the world? We might know that half of the world's clothes and footwear have a 'Made in China' label and that our economies are inextricably linked with China's --- but what do we know about China's experiments with democracy; about its anti-globalisation movement; about its plans to deal with America as its own influence grows across the globe?

Mark Leonard provides a fascinating and unexpected perspective on the debates raging within Chinese society today and shows us just how radically China's rise will change the nature of our world.

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。1980-2000, 最初十年是新右派思想占主導。新右知識分子提倡市場經濟,認為中國必須一步步市場化;主張解體國傢企業,反對計劃經濟;提倡“小政府”,認為政府應當縮權。。自2002年以來,中國政府的很多政策都嚮新左理論靠攏,強調關注老百姓,建設和諧社會等等 。從新右...  




RT 9月29號 晚上離開上海之前, 長樂路韜奮書局, 顯示還有30本. 10月6號 晚上剛迴到上海, 同一地方, 就給我剩下瞭一本破破爛爛, 書封上被劃的一道一道的書.. 還他媽賣135塊...T T...  

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出版者:Fourth Estate Ltd
作者:Mark Leonard
價格:GBP 8.99

圖書標籤: 中國  MarkLeonard  思想  政治  知識分子  中國研究  國際政治  政治學   

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一本簡介現在中國的policy thinkers的書吧 or you can say the real intellectual in China, what are they think about China's current policy and future way going. Is the democracy in China will with a strong China's Characters? not answer it yet, but still can treat it as a reference to know more about China.


一本簡介現在中國的policy thinkers的書吧 or you can say the real intellectual in China, what are they think about China's current policy and future way going. Is the democracy in China will with a strong China's Characters? not answer it yet, but still can treat it as a reference to know more about China.


China’s intellectuals are turning away from the West and theorizing an alternative modernity


本書主要講的是國內思想界的左右派,關於經濟,政治,軍事的不同觀點...局外人的視角可能更客觀些。本書最大的特點,同時也是最大的缺憾是集中於對精英人物思想的考察,忽視瞭普通百姓的看法和觀點,尤其是在經濟和政治方麵。這不禁讓我想起毛爺爺的成名作瞭。 國傢的背後是韆韆萬萬鮮活的,有思想,有行動力的普通大眾。

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