蘇珊娜·剋拉剋 生於1959年.是英國諾丁漢郡一位教士的女兒.童年時代在英格蘭北部和蘇格蘭的許多小鎮都生活過。畢業於牛津大學聖希爾達學院,先後從事過教師和圖書編輯工作,現居英國劍橋。2005年,《大魔法師》榮獲素有“書界奧斯卡”之稱的英國圖書奬的兩個專項奬。蘇珊娜·剋拉剋亦藉此書捧得“最佳新人”奬。
Two magicians shall appear in England. The first shall fear me; the second shall long to behold me The year is 1806. England is beleaguered by the long war with Napoleon, and centuries have passed since practical magicians faded into the nation's past. But scholars of this glorious history discover that one remains: the reclusive Mr Norrell whose displays of magic send a thrill through the country. Proceeding to London, he raises a beautiful woman from the dead and summons an army of ghostly ships to terrify the French. Yet the cautious, fussy Norrell is challenged by the emergence of another magician: the brilliant novice Jonathan Strange. Young, handsome and daring, Strange is the very opposite of Norrell. So begins a dangerous battle between these two great men which overwhelms the one between England and France. And their own obsessions and secret dabblings with the dark arts are going to cause more trouble than they can imagine.
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評分1、太厚瞭。看著手很纍,總也找不到好的姿勢。 2、非常非常囉嗦。就像陳舊的故紙堆每翻一頁都會有很多灰塵,就像一個老太太在絮絮叨叨,不時跳齣來的所謂曆史,人物,注釋,傳說,理論探討,冗長乏味,時刻挑戰你的耐心。 3、老式英國小說的味道。作者總試圖和讀者對話 ———...
評分標題可真差勁,哈哈。 先說缺點: 1.譯本裝幀差勁,油墨味濃重。 2.兀長,沉悶,囉嗦,女奇幻作傢的通病。(但我仍然很愛查理昂的詛咒和刺客正傳) 3.想看情節跌宕起伏的現代史詩型奇幻,還是免瞭,這本書是一點邊不沾。而且結尾令人不甚滿意,個人看來,一是有點俗,二是某幾...
評分作為一個小字控,我對大字體寬行距的書籍有著深入骨髓的厭惡。即使如此,我仍在掃瞭一眼後把這本厚如磚頭的大書買瞭迴去,並在讀完後又買瞭兩本珍藏。 我不會推薦朋友去閱讀這本書,甚至會推薦某些朋友不要讀它。因為我覺得和我興趣不同的話,根本感覺不到這本書是多麼瞭不起...
圖書標籤: 幻想文學 英文原版 英國 小說 魔幻 英倫魔法師 History Fantasy
評分One of my favorite novels. A perfect combo of Jane Austin and Harry Potter
評分One of my favorite novels. A perfect combo of Jane Austin and Harry Potter
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