Elizabeth Strout is the author of several novels, including: Abide with Me, a national bestseller and BookSense pick, and Amy and Isabelle, which won the Los Angeles Times Art Seidenbaum Award for First Fiction and the Chicago Tribune Heartland Prize, and was a finalist for the PEN/Faulkner Award and the Orange Prize in England. In 2009 she was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for her book Olive Kitteridge. Her short stories have been published in a number of magazines, including The New Yorker. She teaches at the Master of Fine Arts program at Queens University of Charlotte.
From Publishers Weekly
Starred Review. Thirteen linked tales from Strout (Abide with Me, etc.) present a heart-wrenching, penetrating portrait of ordinary coastal Mainers living lives of quiet grief intermingled with flashes of human connection. The opening Pharmacy focuses on terse, dry junior high-school teacher Olive Kitteridge and her gregarious pharmacist husband, Henry, both of whom have survived the loss of a psychologically damaged parent, and both of whom suffer painful attractions to co-workers. Their son, Christopher, takes center stage in A Little Burst, which describes his wedding in humorous, somewhat disturbing detail, and in Security, where Olive, in her 70s, visits Christopher and his family in New York. Strout's fiction showcases her ability to reveal through familiar details—the mother-of-the-groom's wedding dress, a grandmother's disapproving observations of how her grandchildren are raised—the seeds of tragedy. Themes of suicide, depression, bad communication, aging and love, run through these stories, none more vivid or touching than Incoming Tide, where Olive chats with former student Kevin Coulson as they watch waitress Patty Howe by the seashore, all three struggling with their own misgivings about life. Like this story, the collection is easy to read and impossible to forget. Its literary craft and emotional power will surprise readers unfamiliar with Strout. (Apr.)
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《奧麗芙·基特裏奇》是那種我想寫卻又絕對寫不齣來的小說:看起來不復雜,實際上不簡單,所有人都穿著皇帝的新裝,卻好像他們自己並不是遊行的一部分。 這種一言難盡的憂傷或曰嫉妒源自作傢伊麗莎白·施特勞特對日常精準的把握。故事好像剛剛從我們身體裏長齣來,盡管作為讀者...
評分《Olive Kitteridge》,中文被譯為瞭,《微不足道的生活》。這樣的譯名,很貼切的描述瞭這本獲得美國文學最高的普利策小說奬。“和任何人相比,她既不更加幸運,也不更加可悲”,對那位鋼琴演奏者來說,對奧麗芙來說,都是這樣。 十三篇的小故事,圍繞著奧麗芙的故事,...
評分初次讀到伊莉莎白·斯特勞特的《奧麗芙·基特裏奇》還是從《大方》第一期中的《藥店》開始,平淡內斂的文字所描摹的凡人生活,已經給我留下瞭不錯的印象。如今,小說全本終於引進國內,讓我們有瞭領略作品全貌的機會。 我們對文學作品,常常寄托瞭一些現實中難以企及的願望,...
評分蘭登書屋平裝版的《Olive Kitteridge》書後附有書友會與作者伊麗莎白·斯特勞特和書中主人公奧麗芙·基特裏奇的對談,嗬嗬,非常有趣,摘錄片段如下~ http://www.randomhouse.ca/catalog/display.pperl?isbn=9781400062089&view=auqa 蘭登書屋書友們與斯特勞特和奧麗芙圍坐在...
評分“那一天我二十一歲,在我一生的黃金時代。我有好多奢望。我想愛,想吃,還想在一瞬間變成天上半明半暗的雲”。 ——《奧麗芙·基特裏奇》 以前到中午飯點的時候,在電梯裏肚子裏的飢餓就忍不住翻江倒海,於是我總是選擇最角落的地方站著,生怕這種飢餓感暴露於眾目睽睽...
圖書標籤: 小說 美國 Pulitzer 英文原版 文學 ElizabethStrout fiction 女性
評分OK太真實瞭,真實到她的一舉一動都能讓我對應到現實中的人。作者ES很妙地在最後加瞭一段"采訪",讓OK從小說裏走齣來,直麵自己的創作者,雖然ES稱自己隻是跟著她。 整本書由Crosby小鎮裏各個人的故事組成,OK時不時地穿插在其他的小故事裏,讀起來饒有趣味。不過這種寫法結閤作者細膩到1080p的描繪,故事的節奏就慢瞭很多,整個閱讀時間持續瞭一個月。
評分OK太真實瞭,真實到她的一舉一動都能讓我對應到現實中的人。作者ES很妙地在最後加瞭一段"采訪",讓OK從小說裏走齣來,直麵自己的創作者,雖然ES稱自己隻是跟著她。 整本書由Crosby小鎮裏各個人的故事組成,OK時不時地穿插在其他的小故事裏,讀起來饒有趣味。不過這種寫法結閤作者細膩到1080p的描繪,故事的節奏就慢瞭很多,整個閱讀時間持續瞭一個月。
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