shed simultaneously in reproduced by any means, ned into a machine language with-n of the publisher~~gmg in Publication Data:small groups.,Jomt author. II. Title12'461 77-23013Preface Together, we bring over 25 years of professional experience in group process to the writing of this text. Many of these years have been within the health professional contexts we discuss and use for illustrative material. In our work and consultation with others, we became increasingly aware of the need for an introductory text on group process for the student and practicing health professional. Our friends and colleagues frequently would ask us to recommend a good group process text for them or their students;
Group Process for the Health Professions (A Wiley medical publication) 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載
Group Process for the Health Professions (A Wiley medical publication) 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載