N mlL-RRwpRE ll-.-~mIt has never been satisfactorily explained whydesigners are so obsessed with food.The evidence is everywhere. A designer who isotherwise a prudent business person will lungeat the opportunity to design graphics for arestaurant, with no money up front; never mindthat any restaurant in its inevitable collapse willsee to it that the designer gets paid offlast, if atall. A designer who is proud of exercising aclear-eyed independent sense of judgment willloyally buy one particular brand of spaghettisauce, just because.,it comes in a cool-lookingjar; never mind that the stuff inside is nearly inedible. A designer who couldn't have been bothered showing up for chem lab in the tenth grade will spend hours bottling beer in the kitchen; how else could you get a chance to use that groovy idea for a label?And if all that evidence wasn't enough, now wehave this book.Many adults would be embarrassed to admit thehold something as arbitrary as food has on theirlives. After all, it goes in, it comes out: aren'tthere more important things in this world?But look at how cheerfully the contributors to1)imler B), 1)esiel~ wallow in the details ofmenu planning.One beer for sea bass, another for red snapper;can it possibly matter? Get your tortilla chipsvia air freight from Tucson: hey, they've got an800 number, why not? Some specify the music.Some even specify the movies. Should you evenbe watching movies during dinner? Sure, as 1- ~c nlong as you're watcnmg a y Hitchcock movieexcept the Doris Day version of The Man WhoKnew Too Much."Blissfully unselfconscious, most of the contribu-tors to DimTe~" By Desi~i take their obsession forgranted. Self-analysis is attempted only once, bythe always thoughtful Niels Diffrient. He attrib-utes his interest in food to his discovery that thetomato itself had been redesigned by commercialgrowers seeking to improve on God's imperfectwork. Niels' professed distaste for the unnatural-ness of this enterprise is tempered by the reader'ssuspicion that he's actually disappointed hedidn't get there first. Diffrient, in fact, points theway to the next frontier for his colleagues: theredesign of food itself.But that's another book
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