OnBY WALLACE WHITEWhen 16-year-old Greg goes to visithis uncle---the sheriff of a smallSouthern town--he has no idea thatanything is wrong. But he soon real-izes that his uncle has changed.Strange things begin to happen. OnGreg's third day in town, another boy ~picks a fight with him. Then a strangeold woman in a wheelchair tells Gregthat his uncle has tried to kill a man.It's clear that trouble is brewing inDanville. Greg, who is both perplexedand frightened, does his best to findout what is wrong. But before he canfigure things out, an ugly crime iscommitted. Seeking vengeance, Greg'suncle and his cronies round up twomigrant workers. Greg is shocked tosee how the two men are mistreated.He tries to help, but his youth and hisurban background have not preparedhim for all this. And as his worst sus-picions are confirmed, a terrifyingseries of events thrusts him into anight of brutality in the darkness ofan old quarry, where mob rule takesover. Finally, when life in the townhas changed--probably forever--sohas the way Greg looks at the world.A TRIUMPH BOOK
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One Dark Night (Triumph Book) 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載