马克斯·韦伯(Max Weber, 1864年4月21日—1920年6月14日)是德国的政治经济学家和社会学家,他被公认是现代社会学和公共行政学最重要的创始人之一。韦伯最初在柏林大学开始教职生涯,并陆续于维也纳大学、慕尼黑大学等大学任教。他对于当时德国的政界影响极大,曾前往凡尔赛会议代表德国进行谈判,并且参与了魏玛共和国宪法的起草设计。
The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书
评分在韦伯看来,新教伦理与资本主义精神的核心就是禁欲主义,节俭、勤奋而非奢侈、糜烂才是资本主义[ 韦伯所谓的资本主义,其实有着严格的“时空限定”。他考察的只是西欧和美国的资本主义(36页),而且他回避了资本原始积累的阶段,在一定程度上也否认今后的资本主义是典型的资...
评分 评分我手头上马克斯•韦伯的《新教伦理与资本主义精神》是三联1987年12月的版本,于晓和陈维纲等译,收录在由甘阳和刘小枫主持的“文化:中国与世界”编委会创办的“现代西方学术文库”丛书里。我是在2003年读大学期间偶然在旧书摊中淘到,自然大喜过望。上个世纪八十年代,甘阳...
图书标签: 社会理论 哲学 历史社会学 textbook sociology soc capitalism Weber
For the first time in 70 years, a new translation of Max Weber's classic "The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism" --one of the seminal works in sociology-- published in September 2001. Translator Stephen Kalberg is an internationally acclaimed Weberian scholar, and in this new translation he offers a precise and nuanced rendering that captures both Weber's style and the unusual subtlety of his descriptions and causal arguments. Weber's original italicization, highlighting major themes, has been restored, and Kalberg has standardized Weber's terminology to better facilitate understanding of the various twists and turns in his complex lines of reasoning.
Weber's compelling work remains influential for these reasons: it explores the continuing debate regarding the origins and legacy of modem capitalism in the West; it helps the reader understand today's global economic development; and it plumbs the deep cultural forces that affect contemporary work life and the workplace in the United States and Europe.
This new edition/translation also includes a glossary; Weber's 1906 essay, "The Protestant Sects and the Spirit of Capitalism"; and Weber's masterful prefatory remarks to his "Collected Essays in the Sociology of Religion," in which he defines the uniqueness of Western societies and asks what "ideas and interests" combined to create modem Western rationalism
Introduction to the Translation
Introduction to The Protestant Ethic
The Problem
Religious Affiliation and Social Stratification p. 3
The Spirit of Capitalism p. 13
Luther's Conception of the Calling p. 39
The Task of the Investigation p. 47
The Vocational Ethic of Ascetic Protestantism
The Religious Foundations of This-Worldly Asceticism p. 53
Asceticism and the Spirit of Capitalism p. 103
'The Protestant Sects and the Spirit of Capitalism' p. 127
'Prefatory Remarks' to Collected Essays in the Sociology of Religion (1920) p. 149
Notes for The Protestant Ethic p. 165
Notes for 'The Protestant Sects' p. 247
Notes for 'Prefatory Remarks' p. 255
Name Index p. 259
Subject Index p. 263
Table of Contents provided by Blackwell. All Rights Reserved.
The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书